Chapter Eight

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America surveyed out the window, the front lawn of the white house was now fully covered in North Korean soldiers running hourly training drills. The once colorful scenery that he lived around, was now grey and lifeless. He inwardly scoffed at the mere thought before there was a knock at his bedroom door. 

"Come in," he replied, not bothering to look at the entryway. 

Im Hyung Soo opened the door, straightening his posture he spoke up clearly, "It's time for your testing. Follow me." 

America flinched at the thought, to say that the tests were painless was an understatement. Though, as if it were second nature-he followed Hyung Soo to the lab. As soon as he entered the entrance to the makeshift basement, two guards who made no eye contact stepped aside for the two countries to walk down the dark hallway and towards a brightly lit room that covered the space in white from floor to ceiling. Visible of any imperfections. For some reason, this sent a chill down America's spine. 

"Undress and lay down on the table here sir." one doctor-directed America. 

America nodded and slowly stripped away his white longsleeved button-up shirt, then the tank top he wore as a second layer underneath. He could feel certain eyes on him, especially Hyung Soo's which were burning into his back.  His ivory skin had faint blemishes and freckles from constantly being in the sun and had multiple bullets and knife scar wounds. Hyung Soo took a step forward, his hand faintly reaching out and gently letting his fingers trace one of the scars on America's back which made him flinch from its sensitivity. 

"If there is one thing you can gain from this, it is that no more scars will grace your, delicate skin again." Hyung Soo softly stated, still intrigued by the wounds on the American's body. 

 America glanced over his shoulder at the Korean country and looked away for a moment, stripping down his bottoms he then turned and laid down on the table. At first, the tests were simple, checking blood pressure, heart rate, and lungs; the sort of things you would get done at your normal health checkup. However, it was when the doctor brought over a syringe of something black, that he couldn't tear his eyes away from it as the needle drew closer to his arm. 

The doctor paused and smirked gently. "No worries, just a simple prick sir. That is all." 

The long two-inch needle slowly pierced his skin, sliding into his vein. It was an odd sensation, watching the black liquid slowly be injected into his blood system, although it seemed it wouldn't take long for the effects to change him drastically. He felt like his senses were all off. He was smelling things that he couldn't see in front of him, hearing things that weren't in the same room. His body trembled at the sudden rush of what felt like adrenaline but, it wasn't. 

 Hyung Soo looked to two soldiers and snapped his fingers, "Take him to the training room. Quickly!" 

The two men carefully lifted America up off the bed who was supporting his weight while he tried to get his legs to function. The training room was simply a room off the lab, which was gigantic. The door slid open quickly, revealing a dark room with a group of men and women who were stripped down to their underwear, shaking and irritable for being locked up in this confined space. The two soldiers drop America into the room and exit, the door sliding shut behind them. Hyung Soo turned on a computer screen and pressed the intercom on the wall.

 "Good evening everyone, I'm sure you're all wanting to get out of this confined space?" 

"Fucking bastard!" one man shouted.

"Let us out, please! For the love of God!" another woman shrieked.

Hyung Soo scoffed, "Oh don't worry, I always keep my you will all be released," he adds in a trusting voice. He could hear some of their sighs of relief, until in a single moment did he crush their hopes, "-that is if you can survive from, Allen.

Abruptly, he could see America's body slowly rise up off the floor, he stood still for a moment before lunging at one of the men and sending him to the ground. Behind the door, the echoes of horrific cries and pleas echoed in the training space. The sound of cracking bones and guttural gasps almost seemed muffled behind the door of the training facility. When the final scream from the last woman standing-ceased, Hyung Soo unlocked the door, causing it to slide open. There standing right in front of him as the door slid open was Alfred, his body dripping in the blood of those in the room, his hands were even more bloodied. Though the thing that Hyung Soo couldn't get out of his mind were those piercing blue eyes. They were no longer bright but cold and almost numbing. 

A smirk spread across his face, "How did you like your playtime?"

America stared at him blankly for a long moment before raising his right bloody drenched hand and placing it on Hyung Soo's cheek, the warmth from the thick liquid was still evident, even the strong scent of iron pierced his sense of smell so badly that he wanted to gag but...again those eyes seemed to linger into his before the corner of America's lips tugged up into a grin that was inhumane. 

He leaned his face in close to Hyung Soo's and huskily hissed out, "More." through his sadistic grin. 

Hyung Soo started to smile himself, his eyes widening with his smile. He couldn't believe how easy it was...he had actually done what could not have been attempted before, oh that gaze that he so longed to see once again after so many years. It was him, Allen, and he was back for blood. 

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