Chapter Nine

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"Hey, Mattie can I ask you something?" America asked softly whilst staring at the night sky with Canada. Canada hummed in response.

"I'm a hero...aren't I?" he asked out loud.

Canada turned his attention to his brother with confusion, although he still answered with a confirming, "Yes. You are."

America kept his gaze up at the night sky as he replied, "What if...I were to become a villain?" he turned to look at Canada.

Canada was taken aback by the comment. Unsure of a certain answer, America chuckled and disregarded the topic with a wave of his hand as he continued looking up at the sky. 

"Haha, don't worry about it, bro. I'm just thinking too deep." 

"Al, if you choose to become a villain then I hope it would be for good reason." Canada slowly sat up and smiled gently at his brother, "And no matter what, I'll always be here from my brother. Just as you will for me."

America's eyes widened from the response before softening. He remained silent and content with the answer. 


Canada snoozed his alarm and rubbed his exhausted eyes. Slowly sitting up in bed, his body creaked with each movement before he inhaled deeply and stared out his hotel room window. Directly across Lake Michigan, he could see America's home. No words could describe how helpless Canada felt, being so close yet unable to help him. After getting on his suit and tie he stepped out of his room and made his way toward the space that the other countries were using as headquarters. As he entered the large meeting space, it was eerily silent. 

England looked to Canada and with paled complexion, he pointed to the projector screen. "You made it just in time Canada. Someone in America sent us a video message."

As the video started playing, it was glitchy until a man cursed at the screen, wearing a white suit with dark brown hair and sunglasses. 

"Fuckin' computer. Work dammit!" he cursed. 

The screen became a little clearer before he spoke up. "I'm hoppin' this reaches you! Shit is goin' on and people are dyin'!" he took a shaky breath. "I-I'll get straight to it."

He paused looking around before speaking in a lower tone. "A couple weeks back, America stopped by my place and gave me instructions ya' see? He wanted me to tell everyone of ya' that North Korea is plannin' to bring out Allen." 

Canada could feel his blood run cold, he immediately looked to England and France, however, their expressions said enough. The man in the video continued as he spoke firmly.

"In three days, ya' guys are to go to the big house in D.C.; Be prepared for a bloody fight." the man takes his glasses off and tears started to stream down his eyes as he spoke. 

"I'm askin' not as Molossia, but as his younger brother...please do somethin'! anythin'!"

The video ends by showing Molossia's tears. Canada slowly turns around and realizes that dream from the past he had was meant for something. Was it warning him of this? That America was no longer heroic but entering his villain era? running his fingers through his hair he straightened up and spoke calmly. 

" I have a strategy, but I need everyone to be on board and ready," he announced. 

The doors to the space open again revealing Russia who had a smile on his face. " I see. Let us hear this plan you have concocted." 

Canada pulled up the map of America so it was visible for everyone to see. He used a marker and began writing country names on where they and their army should go. After turning back to the group he held his head high. 

"Everyone knows their mission, lets's begin executing it as we only have 72 hours left." 


There was a rough grunt before another soldier was sent onto his back, the room full of Korean and American marines on the floor while America stood in the center of it all was amusing to Hyung-Soo. He clapped at the sight which made America look up and slowly walk towards him. 

"Have you finally decided to play with me? little Hyung-soo?" he playfully remarked.  

Hyung-Soo smirked and shook his head. "I would not wish to humiliate you more than you already have, Allen." 

America's eyes glimmered a color that was not originally his own. It belonged to Allen. Allen smirked and suddenly gripped Hyung-Soo's neck before slamming him against the wall. Hyung-Soo was caught off guard and tried to fight Allen's hand away but he was stronger than normal. 

"Listen here peach, we both know I kicked your ass once. I'll happily do it again." he jeered.

Allen released Hyung-Soo's neck who coughed a little before rubbing his neck. " You bastard." 

Allen chuckled before his smile fell away as did his eye color, changing from a bright blue to a softer color of it. He backed away from Hyung-Soo and clutched his head.

"W-Why did you do this to me?!" he shouted out.

Hyung-Soo's gaze shifted into one of unamusement before he walked over and touched America's cheek. "We both know you wanted this-"

America smacked his hand away. "Like fucking hell I did. I didn't want any of this!" 

Hyung-Soo turned and started heading upstairs, to which America followed him right behind as ordered to. It was silent before they reached his room which was in the center of the white house with no windows, his own little prison. 

"Well you better get used to it." he faced Alfred, clutching his chin before he added, "because soon I will make you mine. you will no longer need anyone or anything but me." 

America narrowed his eyes at the nation before opening his room and slamming the door shut in Hyung-Soo's face. Hyung-Soo smirks and orders two men to lock the door as well as guard it. He pressed his hand up to his lips before he pulled out his phone and dialed the only number on it. 

A couple of rings before the other line answers, Hyung-Soo smirks greedily. "Three Days. See you then."

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