Chapter Four

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Dark clouds started to roll in, causing the city to look darker then it was for being late afternoon. Due to the risk of safety from the current situation, everyone that was present for the meeting was forced to relocate up north in Windsor, Ontario which was just across from the Detroit River. England was sitting at the bar, tilting his glass of gin slowly, watching the liquid move around in the class cup, his eyes were narrowed but showing that he was zoned out. He hadn't realized that France made his way toward him, taking a seat at the bar as well.

"Mon Ami?" France started. 

England continued to remain silent for a moment longer, still staring into his glass before he softly replied, "I've never seen him act so cold..." he paused, his tongue touching his teeth as he huffed out sharply, "not since the second world war anyways." he finished while taking a long sip of his drink.

France glanced at England, his eyes held concern for a nation who was much like his little brother as any of the other countries were. The bartender slid a glass of deep red wine to France who nodded silently and took a light sip. He nodded slowly, "Oui. It was almost like he was a different person..." He caught England's gaze as he continued adding, "I'm worried about him." 

"Papa?" started Canada who had just walked into the conversation. He had a look of concern, much more then France did. 

England sighed and looked at the two before straightening up, "Well, I guess this means we'll have to keep a close eye on the bloke won't we?"

Sitting at a table with some of the other countries, Germany discussed with some of them in regards to the situation. Italy sat nervously, although seeing everyone so down and concerned made him feel as though he needed to liven up the atmosphere, but the problem was how to do it. His thoughts raced rapidly as he felt his leg start to move on its own without him realizing until Germany noticed.

"Italy, did jou vant something to eat?" he asked.

Italy looked up a little startled, but shook his head as he softly replied, "No..grazi."

China rubbed his head as he looked at his phone, constantly refreshing the device before slamming it down on the table and groaning in frustration. He clutched his hair messing it up. South Korea spoke up a bit timidly. "Brother? what's the matter-?" 

China held up his phone which showed some of his stocks as well as business numbers, all going into the negative. "That bastard...he stopped all business sales with me." 

Japan glanced at him, taking a slow sip of tea before asking, "Is that really such a big detriment to your stocks?" 

China snapped back, "It's easy for you to say something so useless when most of my business came from America! without his products, I'll now have to owe that man millions, if not billions back!"  His hands were balled into tight fists. 

Romano crossed one leg over the other as he spoke up, "Did you forget what he-a even did to Russia? He is-a asking to get his ass handed to him and start-up another world war-!"

"Romano! don't even say such a thing!" Spain cut off. 

Romano frowned and folded his arms tightly across his chest, "I'm not-a totally wrong though."

Again the table went silent until Germany looked up from his clasped hands that were pressed against his lips, having deep thoughts. "Nein, Romano is vight. Vith the vay America is acting, we must take it as a potential attempt to start a war." 

Italy looked down at his lap and spoke softly, "Germany...I don't-a think that's it." 

Everyone directed their attention to the Italian, Germany raised an eyebrow and asked, "How so?" Though the question made him remain silent for a moment he rubbed his lips together before he spoke and held a pained expression.

"Let's be-a honest si?...we have not-a been very nice-a to America these last years." He looked at everyone at the table who looked away, not entirely disagreeing with his statement. France, England and Canada made their way towards the table, two with their drinks while Canada pursed his lips and clutched his arm tightly.

"It's my fault...that he's like this!" Canada blurted out.

He got looks of confusion directed at him before he quickly added to correct himself, "Well what I mean is..." he looked at the ground, "I knew he wasn't happy, the last couple of years. I could tell that something was up...but he never once talked to me about what was troubling him." 

Suddenly, the television by the bar was turned up with high volume as a reporter from Canada was standing next to where the river was, He had his hand placed up to his earpiece as he spoke into the mic. The screen was labeled up in 'Breaking News'. 

"It is clearly a calamitous matter. From word recieved directly from news sources in America, it is said that the President of the United States was seen meeting with the Leader of North Korea Kim Jun Hoo. It is speculated that he is gaining an Allie from a potential war outbreak with Russia. Vladimir Rasputin has announced that no actions of war have been taken but they will be preparing for the first move." In the background, there were sirens driving by the bank and heading towards downtown Detroit. 

The news reporter continued, "It is unclear just what motive the US presidency has, but as of right now, there are no reports of civilian injuries yet. Back to you in the studio Marie."  The camera flipped to a woman who wore a navy blue dress suit, her eyes were tense as she continued, mentioning that the stocks in the stock market were quickly decreasing or some were frozen, causing companies and others who invested in the stock market denied access. Her attitude tensed as she pursed her lips, "It seems we just received a video from an onlooker. Viewer discretion is advised." 

The video was from some people high in an apartment building, The streets were devastated by cars with smashed windows and on fire, store shop windows were smashed and vandalized. Marching down the street was 80 people in red army uniforms with red gas masks on.  The individual gasped and softly asked as if trying not to be heard, "What the actual fuck is going on? Who are these guys?" 

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