Chapter 2

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As I'm walking off, I look back a few times. Every time I do, he's either saying Hi to people that are just walking in, or staring at me a bit.

"Why do you keep looking back, hon?" Asked my mom kindly. I look forward to hide my blush.

"-Erm, I just never seen a super hero before!" I respond after a while. I take a look at my mom after finishing that sentence. She sees me and smiles and mouths the word Oh.

Mom is always so nice and friendly. She loves to smile, it's as if it never leaves her face!

As we turn a corner, I let my mom go in front and tell her that I was going to be right back. I was going to tell Chat Noir to meet me behind the crescent café.

As he saw me walking towards him, his eyes became wide, but he soon smiled.  He waved at me.

As I told him the message, I saw his ears wiggle a bit, showing he was listening. When I finished, his ears stopped, but his tail took its place. Assuming he was happy, I ran off, waving him bye.

I didn't look forward when I was running, so I ran into someone and stumbled back on my butt.

Chat Noir saw and came to pick me back up. When I finish rubbing my head, I saw that it was Ladybug! She, on the other hand, was still standing. Chat Noir was still picking me up, which made him see Ladybug a bit later.

I could see Chat Noir blush as he rubs his head a bit, holding a cheesy grin on his face. He was still holding my hand with a tight grip, which didn't bother me to let go.

Ladybug looked down at the hand holding and looked back at Chat Noir with an agervated look on her face.

I look down, as Chat Noir let go a bit. My wrist was a bit red, but I just assumed it was a scratch from when I fell.

I look at the time on the wall to see that I was here for 10 minutes! I gasp and run off. As I turn the corner, I see Chat Noir has a surprised look on his face, hurt in his eyes.

I stop as soon as I wasn't in Chat Noir's sight. I put my hand on my knees and gaso for air until I begin running again, seeing my mom in the far distance.

Her face was filled with shock, but joy. I wave as I keep running, anxiousness returning to me. My mom stops to smile and puts out her arms for a hug.

I go as fast as I can until I'm stopped by a guard. I look up followed by a sigh.

"I know, I know, no running." I say before they can repeat the rules.

"No, we need to check you for weapons, Madame." Replies the buff guard. Knowing the drill, I spread my arms and legs, looking like a windmill.

"You're good. Carry on, ma'am."

Joy lights up in my face as I run towards my mom, arms open to hug her back.

"No running!" Yells the the same guard. I roll my eyes. It kind of ruined the cheesy moment that you would normally see in movies. I slow down a bit, but still go faster than a simple walk.

I hug Mom as soon as I'm close enough to her reach. She embraces me with all of her weak strength.

I feel something wet go down my shirt. Assuming it was a light tear, I let go as we move on to go to Paris.

We take a taxi to go home, so that we could unpack. My feet kick the seats a little in excitement. The driver complains a bit, but I continue to do it a little.

As soon  as we arrive, I rush out with my bags and go by the door, waiting for my mom to take the keys out. I rush her with hand movements. She keeps replying with Oks. The door finally swings open and my mouth drops in awe.

*Also note that I have never been to an airport so.... I don't exactly know how they work....

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