Chapter 8

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So I decided to type in first person because I'm getting a bit tired of second person, and I think making the thoughts in first person would be a lot easier for me than second person. Anyway, just saying incase you got confused :) Enjoy the chapter.

I wake up, expecting to be in my bed, but instead in my tree. I look around, remembering my surroundings. My loud sighs fills the air. The wind sighs back, tickling my cheek before getting down from the tree. I think to myself for a while before grabbing my backpack and leaving for school.

I was never used to the idea of being by myself after school or on the weekends. It worried me because I have always had my mom throughout my whole life no matter what. I don't know what to expect anymore. Sometimes life just confuses me at times. I shrug it off after arriving at school.

It was normal at school; I met up with Nathanael, crushed on Adrien a little, and threw more stuff at Chloe. It was kind of funny to see her look around the class room with that look on her face. I carry on with my day, nothing important, though. Until another Akuma arrives with its evil plans.

I excuse myself from the class and try to transform, but Kiara isn't here. My eyes go wide before running back to class, finding it useless to even try to find her. She'll find me somehow, somewhere... right? I run into Adrien and blush a little because his hands are again on my arms.

"Watch where you're going, OK?" he smiles. I smile back followed by a nod, rubbing the back of my neck. It's weird how we always have to use the bathroom at the same time, huh? I did have to go to the bathroom a little, though, but I didn't want to go back because it would take longer.

Later, I call in sick, not wanting to be in class for much longer. I wanted to watch the battle a little. I walk out of the school, going about the streets of Paris to look for the villain. I spot her, flinging some kind of power orb at people. I look around, seeing people are suddenly exhausted from being hit.

The girl sees me and flings her orb. It was too fast for me to even respond with movement. Before I'm hit, I close my eyes, feeling wind flowing in my hair. I open my eyes, scared at what happened. I see that I'm somehow moving without wanting to. I look up, to see Chat Noir carrying me.

"Where do you live? I need to get you away before your hit," he half demands.

"In a tree, I'll guide you," I say. He abruptly stops out of the blue.

"A tree?" he asks; I nod. "No, no, cupcake, that won't do. I'll take you to a house." he smirks before running again. I look down, eyes closed, not wanting air to strike my eyes like daggers. Before I knew it, I was in a comfy bed, safe from all danger.

"I'll let you stay here for a while for now, when the owner comes, just explain to them what happened." he states. I look into his green eyes and nod. He looks into my dull (e/c) orbs, atleast dull comparedbto his dreamy eyes. He disappears into Paris before I begin to explore the room.

It was a nice room; white walls, a computer, a TV, and some drawers for clothes. I creek open the door to look out. My eyes widen at the sight; It was huge! There were twists and turns from rooms to hallways. It was probably a mansion or something. I go back into the bed, getting as comfortable as possible.

I look at the TV, not wanting to invade on anything, but I was pretty bored. I finally decide to grab the remote and turn it down really low so that no one can hear it but me. After a while, I hear the front door open. By instinct, I turn off the TV and wait there silently. There were a few loud footsteps carrying throughout the house. I sit there in suspense, the footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

I look at the door, the knob turning before it begins to open.

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