Extra 1

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So some people liked the book and wanted more so I'll write it just for them <3 Remember these are random extras so each extra is just one story. The song above went great with the story, at least in my opinion.

France, 1700

The (H/c) girl sweeps through the forest, knife in hand, akumatized to kill. She had until Midnight for Hawkmoth's control to end.

She wore a black and green mask along with a long, poofy dress. It had the same colored ruffles as her mask. She eventually finds a giant castle, filled with people for a party.

She waltzes the ballroom floor, scanning the room for her target. She finds a handsome man with a black mask and emerald green eyes as bright as the shining moon. Chat Noir was his name.

He finishes talking to a crowd and when the group moves, (Y/n) and Chat's eyes lock.

They danced all night, (Y/n) being introduced to a dream. Although, she knew that everything would dissappear at midnight's chime.

Fingers luring her away, telling her she can't wait. Chat waits at the bottom of the stair case for his love to come.

She leaps down, three at a time, as she makes her escape. As they continue to dance, she thinks.

(Y/n) trembles from the cold inside the carriage. She dances in the clothes that will soon turn into rags. And soon, she will be her by dawn.

A voice whispers softly and tells her," Find a hidden masked man in the crowd."

(Y/n) turns her head to where the sound is coming from, but Chat softly moves her head back to his.

She ties a blade under her dress and devises a plan to deprive him from all that he has.

Orphans gather inside the castle. Each of their smile, hidden, gone, or fake; they won't be surrounded by sincere love provided by the wings of an angel. The clock continues to tick, giving pressure to both Hawkmoth and (Y/n).

The glass slipper left up on the stairs slowly burns into ash and fades into the air.

I must leave right now, thought (Y/n) as she shakes up and down. She caught Chat glancing over at the clock.

Kicking her glass shoes away, she can't say what she wants to say. Her fingers reach around Chat's neck before she can stop.

They dance, both of their feet aching from the dream. Chat kisses the falling tears that slip from (Y/n)'s eyes. And at that very moment, he feels a shiver running though him deep inside.

(Y/n) stops and escapes Chat's hold, Hawkmoth demanding for her to just kill him already.

Please don't let the bells sound for midnight.

(Y/n) finds herself bowing down to Chat, her knife in hand as she begins to produce fresh tears. Chat looks down at her, confused, unknowing she's under control. Although (Y/n) screams Don't do it! Her right hand slips, bidding Chat goodbye forever.

Chat falls to the ground, his miraculous beeps and reveals Adrien as his eyes begin to slowly close.

My frozen facade was no match against your fire and I felt it piercing through the ice. I can still feel your warm breath against my skin. But now it feels like a distant dream. Thinks (Y/n) at Chat's final moments.

The silver moon creates a veil, glowing around your body, thinks Chat, Your smile shines like the brightest star.

(Y/n) dress will be torn, and her golden tiara will be trampled by her feet and hands in a surge of disgust for what she has done to Chat. At this moment, their souls will be tied together by the thread of her blade.

"But if I am not the one to stop your tears, then it's all a one-sided story. Stop the time at this very instant, I am completely drawn into you." Chat whispers. He brings down his head onto (Y/n) hair and kisses her head and rests his hand on her cheeks. "If God will have mercy, then please let me stay right here as I count your every heartbeat." He loses his grip on (Y/n) and falls back onto the floor he was laying on.

(Y/n) leaks out tears as she holds Chat Noir in her cradle. Overwhelmed by rushing emotions, she's left to drown within this spreading warmth. From this moment on his body, he will move no more... It is all just like a fairytale!

(Y/n) moarns at the sight of her actions and lays on Chat's corpse. Hawkmoth becomes impatient and takes over. She takes his miraculous with a smile.


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