Chapter 9

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I hid under the blankets, covering everything but my curious eyes. The door opens, revealing Adrien looking into the room. He walks in, putting his backpack down by the bed and going to his computer.

I held my breath, covering myself completely, trying my best not to be seen.

"What are you doing? You don't wanna look like a fangirling stalker! Get out from under there and tell him what happened," says a familiar sound. I look, making a small swoosh sound when I move. It's Kiara! I quietly take off the covers and reveal myself lying on the bed.

I sit there for a while, waiting for him to notice me. He sat at his computer for a while, him not noticing or hearing me in the slightest. He watched a lot of the Ladyblog.

After 5 or 10 minutes, I sneeze and Adrien pauses. He turns his chair, a shocked look on his face. I giggle, his face is hilarious.

"W-what are you doing here, (Y/N?!" He asks. I stare down at the bed, explaining the situation.

"And then Chat Noir took me here." I trailed off. Adrien looked comftorable with the situation as if it were no big deal. He nods every now and then at my words, showing me he's listening.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"A little, but not enough to where you should worry about." I turn on the TV, my stomach rumbling a little. I get tired, not used to such a comfy bed. I fall sleep, the TV still going on in my sleep. The events were too important to notice, though.

Third Person POV

(Y/N)'s dream was unusual, but still relevant to the events happening in her life. She was being carried by Chat Noir again. He had a serious look on his face, running towards her burning house. He was just in time for when the fire begins. A faint agonizing scream clogs her ears. She sees her mother through the window, throwing (Y/N) up and down in her arms, happy as she always was. In each room, The happiest memories of her mother were there.

Soon, Adrien was finished with his obsession to figure out who Ladybug and Serpent Venimeux is. He lays down in the bed next to (Y/N) He tried not to touch her on the Queen bed.

Although, as soon as some skin touches her arm, (Y/N) mumbles Mom then Adrien and cuddles up against him. He blushes a bit while he watches TV. It takes a while for him to drift off to sleep.

As soon as he does, he hugs (Y/N) little in the process. His dream was of his past. Adrien was a little kid, his mother singing to him while Adrien sat in her lap. She softly sings Hush Little Baby to him while a cherry blossom falls from the tree above them. His father bends down to pick it up, a happy smile on his face. A smile as happy as that hadn't dared go near his face like that in a long time. He hands it to Adrien as the man sits next to his father and him. Everyone laughs and sings.

They both sit up at the same time, whispering Mom and a tear streams down both of their cheeks.

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