chapter 4 (the new hot students)

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"So...who's number is that?" Luna asked as Irene kept quiet and avoiding Luna's cold gaze, she didn't wanted to tell her friend about what happened with Lay, but Luna kept talking. "Are you going to answer or shall I take the fucking paper away from you?"

Irene was about to answer with a no when, with a fast hand movement, Luna took it away from the wolf princess. As she finished reading the paper, her face was even paleier than before. "C-class is about to start..." Well, that was weird, Luna never stuttered, she was always sure on what to say.

Luna handed Irene the paper as they began walking towards the classroom, Luna walking caster than Irene. 'What the hell was that?' Irene thought to herself as she entered the classroom, bad news were that...

The teacher was waiting, standing in front of the black board with his arms folded over his chest. "May both of you explain why are you late?" He asked giving both of the girls a cold glance. "Sorry sir, we got into a little fight." Irene said what had first came to her mind. "BULLSHIT!" The teacher exclaimed, then sighed. "Just...sit down." As they nodded and walked towards their desks.

Irene's desk was at the complete back, next to the window, while Luna sat in front of her. Next to both of them were empty desks.

When they finally sat down, the teacher began talking again. "Okay, now that we are complete, I want to announce that there are two new students, please come forward!" The teacher called as two boys walked to the front, one of them had a fair bronze skin, black messy hair and dark eyes, while the other had a light skin and blonde hair with light brown eyes.

"Please introduce yourselves." The teacher ended and took a seat as the black haired boy took a step forward. "Hello, my name is Kim Jongin but people call me Kai, nice to be here."

Irene could hear a few girls squeeling and fangirling, while Luna turned around to face her, her lips were formed into an interesting and wicked smile while her eyes had a weird sparkle that Irene knew well...and didn't liked a bit.


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{/ thanks to BL4CK-C4T for helping me irl with the story! Please check her page and stories! \}

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