Chapter 11

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Warning: Mention of blood.

"Dragons!" You heard warning horns as people around you were getting ready for battle. Homes were already lite with flames and you got ready with buckets of water to be tossed into the fire with everyone else who would be with you taking care of the fire. Everyone on your team agreed to cover a certain area of the village and would come back to get more supplies. Your area was next to Astrid's and in your line of sight was Hiccup in the forge working.

The battle escalated quickly and became more aggressive than usual when the night fury appeared and started firing at the village, never missing its target. You always found it odd how it never takes any food supplies and never appears in eyesight.

Things were starting to calm down in your area, so you only took a moment to glance at Hiccup's work station only to find it empty. Taking a double take, you found the forge completely emptied. You panicked and started searching for him, but as soon as you did, a deadly nadder swooped down and tried burn you with its fire. You managed to dodge it but the dragon continued to fire at you as you hid behind behind shields, doors, and anything else that could cover you.

Where are you, Hiccup?


"So," Hiccup stuttered, "where have you been, Ragna? It's been four years."

"Wow," you scratched the back of your head slightly, "it's been that long? Feels like it was yesterday when I left."

I need to stop having these inside jokes in my head...

"Well, it has been a while."

You answered awkwardly back while looking slightly down. You wondered how much farther you traveled this time. You question was answered when you saw both legs still on Hiccup. You guessed it was before Hiccup met Toothless.

"I want to show you what I have been doing since you were gone." Hiccup signaled you into the back of the shop where papers were scattered. You could see scribbles and crosses as if the ideas on the paper were no good. He went to one of his inventions that were covered by a cloth. He pulled the cloth off and you couldn't help but find the invention familiar.

You raised an eyebrow while still staring at the object. You racked the back of your brain but you couldn't put your finger on it. "Uh, what is it?"

"It's a canon," he smiled. You couldn't help but smile at the memory of when Hiccup first showed you the canon. "I'm not very strong yet but in the mean time, this baby will shoot out bolas for me and capture a dragon."

"Capture a dragon," you repeated questionably, "Hiccup, are you still trying to kill a dragon?"

Hiccup sighed and brushed his hair back, "I'm sorry, Ragna, but this is to prove myself to everyone--"

"Into becoming a viking?" you cut him off rudely. You stared into his eyes looking for any regret showing through them. You only found guilt. You faced away from him not wanting him to see how angry you looked right now.

You heard a sigh from him, "You're upset with me."

You took a sigh yourself trying to calm down before answering him. You turned to look at him again, giving him a meek smile for an instant. "I'm not upset with you. I'm just...disappointed. Your invention is amazing, great even, but I don't know how I should feel that it's being used for something I don't agree on." You shook your head. "Never mind that, Hiccup, I trust you. If you think you are doing the right thing, then do it. I won't make you choose something I don't have a choice on, but you need to listen to me when I say that; choose what you want to do, not what someone tells you to do."

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now