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Liam's POV
January 25th

"Miley, please...please pick up." I say into the phone. Miley was still missing, and Noah gave me one more day. That proves that she likes me, so that's good. "I love you." Then I hang up. I start to get chocked up, and tear up...what if she isn't okay? I can't ask/tell Noah that because she'll freak out. I have to play it cool around her. Then my phone goes off. I got really excited to see if it was a text from Miley. It wasn't- it was a text from Katy. Miley's friend. She asked if I've heard from her or seen her yet. I just said no and I'm still looking and calling. She gave me a tip though. She said to go to her favorite place to get pizza. It's her favorite place to get vegan pizza, and I didn't even think about looking there. What would she be doing there though?

I went to the pizza place, and looked for her. No sign of Miley. I asked the manager if she has came in but she said no. I felt sad again, I thought I would get a lead on where she was...but I didn't.

"Did you find anything out?" Noah asks as she enters my house.

"No. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be watching Miley's place?" I ask.

"No? You didn't? Ugh. And I came to find out if you did or not, duhh." Then I sigh. "Look, I know you don't want me to- but I think it's time to get the police involved."

"They'll make me the number one suspect. I'm her boyfriend."

"So? They'll obviously see you aren't the person that kidnapped her if anyone even did since you've been looking for her and are the one that has been the most worried. Which is weird considering we're her family."

"Hey, I could be her family if she ever says yes." I explain.

"Whatever. I have an idea."

"What?" I ask, suspicious that she's up to something.

"Why don't you call the cops? That way they might not make you a suspect."

"Won't that make me more of a suspect? Calling two days after she disappears?"


"You're setting me up." I say rudely.

"No I'm not! Fine, I'll call them."

"No no, I will. I just am afraid you want me behind bars so you'll be the first one to see her."

"Are you kidding me? Seriously Liam? Okay as much as it pains me to say this, I like you. I don't want you behind bars!"

"Fine, I'll call the police."

Then I take out my phone and dial the police department.

"Hello?" A lady answers.

"Yeah hi this is Liam Hemsworth. Listen, my girlfriend, Miley Cyrus has gone missing. I want some herlp with finding her."

"How long has she been missing?" The lady asks.

"Since January 23rd late evening."

"I'll have someone over there. Where are you?" Then I gave her the address of Miley's house and said thank you before hanging up.

Soon later there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there were two cops- a girl and a guy.

"Hello, you must be Liam." The guy says.

"Yeah, I am."

"I'm officer Dale, this is my partner Kathrine." Then I shake their hands.

"This is Miley's little sister Noah." Then she shakes the cops' hands.

"Now Liam, where was Miley the last time you saw her? Who was the last person to see her?" Officer Kathrine asks.

"I was the last person to see her. We were at a restaurant. Mario's to be specific. I proposed and she just grabbed her phone and keys and...ran off. That's the last time I saw her." I reply.

"What about you?" Officer Dale asks Noah.

"Earlier that day. Before she went with Liam. We were just hanging out." She says.

"Did you two notice anything about her? Was, in any way?" Dale asks, then I shake my head.

"No, she seemed fine until I asked her to marry me. I thought maybe I had said something wrong earlier and when I asked her to marry me she got upset with me. I thought maybe it was too soon for her. I mean, she just lost her baby January 7th." I reply, then Dale and Kathrine nod.

"Okay. And did she seem like anything was bothering her?" Kathrine asks.

"Well she's been quite upset since the 7th but other than that no. Oh, she's been having bad dreams. Some about her rapist coming back, some about me."

"Can you be more specific?" Dale asks.

"Just that I would hurt her but I told her that'd never happen because I loved her too much. And she had one dream about her rapist coming back and killing her. Which took me by surprise, I mean, I know he was an awful man but I really didn't think she'd dream about that. Even though he could be capable."

"And what about this man? Where is he?" Kathrine asks.

"Prison. For rape and attempted murder." Then both of them riased their eyebrows. "Yeah, it was pretty horrible. I mean, who would do that to Miley? She's such a great person."

"Well thank you. If we have any further questions we'll call or come by. What's your address and phone number son?" Then I gave them my address and phone number. "If you see us going by your house it's just because we want to keep an eye on you." Dale says.

"You guys think I did it?" I ask, offended.

"No, but our boss will want us to." Then I nod.

"Okay, that's fine. I have nothing to hide." Then they nod and leave.

"Well hey, at least they don't suspect you." Noah says, surpirsed.

"They're lying." I reply.

"How do you-"

"I could see it in their faces. i know they are, I know they don't like me."

"Liam, you don't know that."

"Noah, I've dealt with a lot of liars in my past. I know when someone's lying."

"Okay. I really hope they don't lock you up." She says with a frown.

"Me too. But they can't unless they have proof or evidence or anything to keep me locked up though."

"Good. I'll help you if they do. i'll do everything to get you out. I know you didn't do this. I know how much you love Miley." Then I smile a little smile.

"Thanks." Then she hugs me, and I was shocked. "What was that for?"

"You are gonna be my brother-in-law." Then she smiles.

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I believe when Miley comes back and she will she'll say yes because she will." Then I smile.

"Thanks, i sure hope so." I reply.

"I have faith. You gotta have faith." Then she leaves. Leaving me with my thoughts. Does she really think Miley will say yes? I hope she does. Does Noah really think Miley's gonna come back? I hope she does that too. If I had the chance of marrying her then never seeing her again or seeing her and never marrying her- I'd choose never marrying her and always seeing her. Because that's all I need- my Miley.

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