
146 2 0

October 20th
Miley's POV

"Liam watch out!" I say, then the next thing I know everything went black.

When I woke up, I was in the car. I look around, and Liam is still passed out. I tried to wake him by shaking him, but he wasn't waking up.

"Liam...Liam please." I say in tears. "Please wake up." Then I shake him again, and he opens his eyes. Then my eyes light up, seeing him alive. "Liam."

"Miley- ow." He says, putting his hand on his head. He was bleeding pretty bad. "Miley, I'm sorry."

"Liam, it's fine. As long as you're alive." I say, still crying. "Ow." Then I grab my stomach.

"Miley, what's wrong?" He asks, worried.

"I- I don't know. Ow, but it hurts bad."

"Is- is it Braxton Hicks?"

"I don't know. Ow." Then I grab my stomach again. "I think I need to go to the hospital." Then Liam grabs his phone.

"Yeah, we need an ambulance. Hurry, my wife is pregnant." He says over the phone. Then he gives out where exactly we were. Then someone comes over to the car.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" The man asks.

"I'm fine. But my wife might not be, and you sure as hell won't be when I'm done with you." Liam says angerly.

"It wasn't me driving, it was my friend. He looked down for a second, next thing we know we're in the wrong lane. I tried to tell him to watch the road. He just wouldn't listen." The man explains. "I think he's drunk. He seems like it, but he didn't tell me whether he was or not."

"Is he okay?" I ask.

"Who cares Miley? He could've killed you." Liam snaps.

"He's banged up, but he's alright." Then I grab my stomach again. "Are you okay? Do I need to call 911?"

"I'm fine, I don't know about the baby though." I say, starting to cry again. "Liam...I can't lose another one. Not as far as we've come."

"I know." He says. Then I hear an ambulance coming. When the ambulance got here, they helped me onto a stretcher and Liam got in the ambulance next to me. I was crying hard at this point, but Liam was trying to comfort me. "Shh, Miley. It'll be okay."

"Are you sure?" I ask. Then he offers a small smile.

"I'm sure everything will be okay." Then he kisses me.

"Have you had any contractions?" One of the paramedics asks me.

"Only Braxton Hicks I think. I'm not sure if I'm having actual contractions right now or if they're Braxton Hicks." I answer.

"Have they stopped at all?" He asks.

"Only for about thirty seconds each, then I get another contraction that lasts for about thirty seconds to fifty. Is everything gonna be okay?" I reply.

"The sooner we get you to the hospital the better." The paramedic says.

When we got to the hospital I got into a room right away, and soon later Dr. Cooper came in.

"Miley, what happened?"

"We got into an accident. Is the baby gonna be okay?" I reply.

"Let's take a look." Then I lift up my shirt and she squirts goo on my stomach.

"Hmm." She says.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask.

"The heartbeat is a little slow, and the baby isn't moving."

"What does that mean?" Liam asks.

"The baby might be resting or..."

"Don't say it." I say. "Please." I beg.

"The baby might not be doing well." Dr. Cooper says, then I start to cry. "Don't get upset, stress will make it worse. Let me try something." Then she pushes on my stomach, where the baby's feet were-- but there was no movement.

"Please, try everything you can to keep my baby alive." I say. Then she nods and pushes on my stomach where the baby's stomach was. Then she pushes again where his feet are. Then a miracle happens-- he kicks. I smile, and Liam grabs my hand.

"it worked." Liam says, amazed.

"The baby's heartrate is still slow. Miley, the baby is alright but I want you to take it easy until you're in labor. Okay?" Then I nod. "Promise me you'll be good."

"I promise." Then she smiles, wipes off my stomach, and I put my shirt down.

"Thank you so much." Liam says.

"It's my job, isn't it?" She replies, then goes to leave.

"Wait." I say.

"Yes?" Dr. Cooper asks me.

"H- how big is he?" I ask.

"Nineteen inches, six and a half pounds about." Then she leaves.


"We got lucky." He says. "I hate myself."


"I looked at you. I looked at you instead of the road."

"The car was in our lane, it wasn't your fault. If the baby wouldn't have made it...then those guys would be in a lot more trouble than they are now."

"Miley, don't you get it though? I wasn't looking at the road! I could've killed you and the baby both."

"Liam it isn't your fault and I'll never be mad at you. I'm frusterated that the friend of the drunk didn't do anything. That's what I'm pissed about. Not you." Then he helps me up.

"Let's go home."

"We gotta get a ride." I say, then Liam laughs. "I'll text my mom."

"No, she'll be pissed at me."

"No she won't be. She's a lot like me...well...I'm a lot like her. Anyway, we're a lot alike. She's not gonna be pissed." Then he smiles, and puts his arm around my back as we walk out of the hospital.

I'm so thankful that we weren't seriously hurt. Liam has a few stitches, and I've gotta be careful the rest of my pregnancy. That's a lot better than me losing Liam or the baby...or both.

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