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October 3rd
Miley's POV

I've been having Braxton Hicks off and on lately for a while now, they haven't been that bad. A few have been uncomfortable, though.

"Hey little River Aiden." Liam says, kneeling down to my stomach. "Just a little longer than a month and you'll be here." Then he rubs my stomach, and I feel him kick.

"Liam, he kicked." I say, then he stands up and kisses me.

"I know. Just a little longer than a month...then he'll be here." Then I kiss him.

"What will the animals do? How will they react when we bring him home?" I ask worriedly.

"Miley, they'll probably sniff him and try to lick him."

"Sometimes dogs can feel threatened and want to attack. What if they try to hurt him? What if-"

"What calm down? I'm sure the dogs and the animals will love the little baby." Liam says, and I nod.

"You're probably right. I shouldn't worry about something small like that. The animals will be fine with the baby." Then I rub my stomach. "Right?"

"Right. Now, Miley, why don't you relax and have a warm bath?" Then I sigh.

"That does sound relaxing. Maybe I'll have to take you up on that offer."Then he starts to unbutton my shirt. "Liam..."


"I can undress mysself you know. Besides, I would like to do it in the bathroom." Then I walk to the bathroom, and he follows me. "Alone." Then he frowns, and sits on the couch.

After I had my bath I got dressed in some pajamas since I figured I wasn't going anywhere for the rest of the day.

"In your pj's already?" Liam asks me when I sit on the couch next to him.

"Why? We going somewhere?"

"No, but it's only 6:00."

"Well being pregnant has really gotten me tired lately." I say.

"I don't blame you. If I had that much weight to carry, if I had mood swings, if I had a lot of stress, I'd be a wreck and tired too."

"Are you calling me a wreck?" I ask, getting angry.

"No no no! I never said that! I'm just quoting you." Liam says defensively.

"Well then, you made a good point." I say, then sigh. "I want you out." I say, poking my stomach then Liam laughs.

"Ha ha. Don't worry Miles, he'll be here soon enough."

"Yeah I know. It just seems like the days are going slower now that I'm further along. It makes me angry, angry that the days are going by slower and slower just because I want this baby out!"

"Miley, just calm down. He'll be here soon enough, okay?" Then I nod.

"Okay, fine."


October 20th
Miley's POV

"Ow, Liam. It hurts." I say, grabbing my stomach. "Make it stop."

"Miley, I can't. It's Braxton Hicks, I can't make them stop."

"Wait." I say, my eyes wide.

"What?" He asks.

"What if I'm a month early? What if I'm in actual labor?"

"Miles, I doubt that."

"Whatever, I just want these stupid things to just stop already." I say, then let go of my stomach.

"Did they stop?"

"For now." Then I sigh. "I'm dreading real contractions if these are just practice contractions." Then he laughs.

"Sorry, Miles. But they're not gonna just stop. You know, until you go into actual labor." Then I smack his arm. "Um, ow?"

"Shut the hell up asshole."

"Another Braxton Hicks contraction?"

"No, I'm just annoyed. I want you to shut up." I say, then he pulls me in for a kiss. "Okay, that makes me feel a little better." Then I smile.

"Good, cause that's what I was going for. What do you wanna do today?"

"Can we go out?"

"Where?" He asks.

"How about dinner?" Then he smiles.

"Sounds good to me. Let's go." Then we grab our phones, and Liam grabs his keys. Then we leave our house, and I lock the door. When we got in the car we buckled up, and Liam started the car.

While Liam was driving. I was on my phone, texting Noah.

Noah: so how are you handling the whole being pregnant thing?

Miley: It's fine now that I'm almost done with it. I'm getting a little better about it. How's the puppy? Didn't you name her Coco?

Noah: yeah, she's brown so I figured Coco would be a good name. She's really good, growing so fast!

Miley: I bet. I'm dreading that about the baby. He's gonna grow up so fast!

Noah: I know right! They're like puppies. Tiny one day getting huge the next day

Miley: Yeah, I'm afraid he's gonna be going to college or whatever really soon...

Noah: naw, he won't grow up that fast

Miley: you're right. Hopefully lol anyway I gotta go. I'm going to dinner with Liam

Noah: byeee

Miley: lol bye

When I looked up, Liam was looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You talking to Noah?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Just wondering." Liam says, then I look at the road, and there was a car coming right at us.

"Liam watch out!" I say, then then next thing I know everything went black.

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