Chapter Two- I Love You, Goodbye

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"I have something to tell you." Grandpa said as soon as he entered my room after a few knocks.

He saw me still nestled in my bed after a long tiring sleep with horrifying nightmares in between. I dreamed about Lauren being dragged away from me and the police officers with devilish grin pushed her off the cliff and I think I had another major heart attack.

"What, you changed your mind already?" I sarcastically said, sitting up from my position in bed and granpa moved closer as if what he was about to say would change everything.

"No but this is another bad news... about Lauren." he said, gaining a look of surprise from me upon hearing her name.

"What did you do to her?" I asked with a note of accusition.

"She caused another mess in jail, unfortunately, she got stabbed and was hurt badly." he said and my heart almost popped out of my chest from fear and agitation.

"What? I need to see her!" I exclaimed and agressively rolled out of bed, knocking some staff toys in the process but grandpa tug me in the arms.

"And what? You are going to runaway with her again and disrespect us and break all the rules?"  he said.

"She's hurt granpa, I just want to be there for her, she needs me." I said with pleading eyes. "Please?"

I was very agitated to see Lauren but he held grip of my arm with a terrifying facial expression.

"You know the only way to save her from that hell. All you have to do is be a good girl and do what I want." He said in a calm but dangerous voice.

Just by thinking of marrying another man breaks my heart but nothing's more painful than knowing that Lauren wasn't in a good condition in that jail, she might get killed one of these days and I can never accept that.

And with a heavy heart, I nodded.

"Okay, I will do anything, I will marry whoever that devil is, I don't care if it's Satan, just...make sure that this family will never lay another finger on Lauren or any member of her family." I said as my eyes started to water while grandpa's face lit up.

"I promise. I could also give them amount of money to help them to start over to a different place if they want." he said, suddenly uplifted and energetic as if he just won in a horse race while my whole body began to tremble, I feel numb from all the torture happening to Lauren and I.

"But I need you to do something." he continued, gaining a look from me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Write a letter to Lauren, tell her to forget about you, tell her to never show herself again and that you are getting married." with his greedy, wicked heart, he instructed.

"Yeah I'll give it to you later," I answered. "just leave me alone now, please." I asked of him while I can't help the tears from falling off my face.

"Alright." he said as he started sprinting off the door but stopped beside the doorframe and looked at me as if he was worried about me. I looked away almost immediately, letting him know how hurt and disappointed I was. He sighed loudly and decided to leave me in my grieving.

To be totally honest, Lauren and I anticipated this since the day we ranaway. She always tell me: Carpe Diem (Seize the day/moment) before it fades away right before your eyes. Take each day as it comes and fill it with small things that make you happy. Tell the things you always wanted to say, show the feelings you always wanted to show, laugh like there's no tomorrow and love like you never did before.

Beach Roses (Camren) *SequelWhere stories live. Discover now