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Hey ^-^

Loved the feedback on the prologue, thanks ;P please please carrying on voting and stuff, you guys are amazing :)

L.f.D (Lyrics for dedication)

Just another soul with feelings but nobody there to feel the pain

[just guess the song above ^^^]

Part 1

Enjoy! This part is going to be short since I am really not in the mood to update but I really really wanted to. So yeah :/


"Niall you can't just bring anyone home!" Louis exclaimed as he looked at the sleeping form of the brown eyed boy. Louis knew that if he was in Niall's place he would have done the same thing but still.

"Louis, he had fucking bruises on his face and he looked like he was going to die! I had to do something!" Niall replied, his hand pressed against the brown eyed boy's forehead.

It had been 24 hours since Niall had brought him but he was still passed out. Niall had wrapped him up in a nice cosy blanket and had turned the heat up as well. 

"He does look quite ill" Louis muttered as he sat down beside Liam's feet. Louis hated it when people were sick or unhealthy, he just hated it.

"I know. I have been watching him for weeks but he never looked this bad" Niall whispered his hand still brushing lightly against the homeless boy's forehead. He had dark shadows under his eyes and he was skinny, underweight. Niall was sure he hadn't slept or ate anything for weeks.

"Ni, he's waking up" Louis nudged him, snapping him out of his thoughts and watch as the brown eyed boy slowly opened his eyes.

"Do you want anything?" Niall asked quietly as the boy finally adjusted to the light around him and looked up to face Niall, immediately letting out a small whimper and backing away from Louis and Niall.

"Hey, Hey! We're not here to hurt you" Louis promised but that had no affect on the boy as he just sat there whimpering more than before, his hands in front of him as if to protect himself and his eyes wide in horror. 

"P-please d-on-n't h-hurt me" The boy whimpered out and Louis helplessly groaned. He was totally hopeless when it came to situations like this.

"We are not going to hurt, we're going to look after you" Niall whispered gently and softly and the boy stared at him for a little while before letting out a small nod.

"How come he listened to you?" Louis asked, making Niall roll his eyes.

"Not right now Lou, go and make something for him to eat" Niall ordered as he got up from the bed. Louis snorted but stood up all the same and made towards the kitchen.

"What's your name?" Niall asked in that same gentle whisper.

"L-Lia-am" The boy said, his voice raspy and hoarse like he hadn't talked for ages. Niall gave him a gentle smile before placing another blanket on top of the trembling boy.

"I promise Liam, you're going to be safe here" Niall comforted.

"C-can I-I go-o to s-sleep?" Liam asked, nervously biting on his bottom lip.

"Yeah sure, go ahead. You need some rest anyway" Niall smiled, he leaned down about to place a gentle kiss on Liam's forehead but the boy whimpered loudly and Niall quickly pulled away with an apologetic smile.


"It-ts o-okay" Liam stuttered out, his eyes already closing as mumbled out a small "Thanks"


Did say it was going to be short but don't worry the next update wil be within the next two days. (By Tuesday)

Hope it was good tho

L.f.D (Lyrics for dedication)

Just another soul with feelings but nobody there to feel the pain

For next update-

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