pArt 3

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hope you liked the last part. Sorry it was short.


Do I really need to spell it out?
My heart skips when you're around

Not a big fan of the song but Colton Haynes'  in the video <3 ^-^

Part 3



Liam was huddled into a corner of the guest room when Niall had found him, his whole body trembling and his face covered in salty tears. Niall was horribly stuck he had no idea what he could do that could possible make Liam stop crying.

"Liam, hey it's okay. Just a nightmare, wasn't true" Niall tried as he leaned down next to the boy. 

Niall knew that he shouldn't touch the boy right now, it could possibly make things worse than they already were but Niall had no idea what else he could do to comfort the boy. He was really stuck.

"Liam, Liam please" Niall tried again, this time Liam locked his eyes with Niall's but the sobs coming from his mouth still didn't stop.

Niall felt the need to cry right now. He couldn't see Liam like this and not do anything. He just needed to do something but what? Niall couldn't comfort the boy if he couldn't touch the boy.

Niall wanted to scream out in frustration.

But then Liam let out a small whimper and Niall immediately turned his attention to the boy to find him trying to say something. 

"I-I. I'm-m so-orry" It could Niall a whole minute to actually figure what Liam said but in the end he got there.

"Don't say sorry! It's not your fault" Niall mumbled as he moved in closer to Liam. Liam's sobs had slowed down a bit but they were still loud enough to make anyone flinch. "Can I touch you?" Niall asked slowly and to Niall's greatest surprise Liam let out a shaky nod and instantly Niall wrapped his arms round the still trembling boy.

Liam cuddled back, his sobs now muffled by Niall's neck. Niall rubbed Liam's back gently, his chin resting on top of Liam's head.

"Shhh" Niall cooed as Liam finally silenced, his body still a little shaken but it was better than before.

Niall sighed out in relief as he looked down and show Liam's eyes closed. He slowly lifted both of them up from the floor and moved towards the bed. Liam head still hidden in his chest as Niall covered them both up with a warm blanket since it was freezing cold.

"T-Thank y-you" Liam whispered gently.

"Thought you were asleep and it's no big deal" Niall replied with a gently smiled.

"I-I am sorry I w-woke you up" Liam said.

"Stop it. Stop apologising and just get some sleep"


The next morning when Liam woke up he felt better than ever. He hadn't slept this good in ages. He felt so happy to wake up with Niall's arms wrapped around him and to find Niall's baby blue eyes staring down at him.

"Good Morning" Niall smiled fondly, loving how messy Liam's curly hair was and how wide his eyes were in the morning.

They both quickly brushed their teeth and Niall went down to make breakfast for the two of them. Niall didn't have school today as it was Sunday so he would be able to stay home and look after Liam.

After breakfast, Niall decided they would watch a movie and hopefully get Liam's mind off whatever had happened last night.

"So what movie do you want watch?" Niall asked.

"A-anything y-o-ou want is fine-e" Liam stuttered out, looking tomato red.

"Don't be shy" Niall said.

"Err...To-o-y story-y-y?" Liam asked, slightly embarrassed. 

"You are a fan of toy story?" Niall asked, grinning.

"Yeah" Liam replied, his eyes wide and excited as he looked at Niall.

"Me too!" Niall replied as he put toy story on and sat down on the couch next to Liam but not too close as he still wanted the other boy to be comfortable.

They both stayed quiet through the first half of the movie as they both had nothing to say.

Niall would occasionally look up to watch Liam and just smile fondly at him. He couldn't help but notice how Liam was mouthing words to the lines of the movie and how his eyes would crinkle whenever he smiled at something.

On the other hand, Liam was dying to know why Niall was putting up with him and he just wanted to ask him but he was too scared.

"You okay?" Niall asked.

"Ye-ah" Liam replied. 


"Wh-hy a-are you lo-o-oking after me-e?" Liam asked as he looked down at his fingers.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked.

"W-hy a-a-m I h-ere?" Liam asked, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Because you are sick" Niall replied simply.


"I promise I am not going to hurt you, promise you"


hope that was good.


Do I really need to spell it out?
My heart skips when you're around





Cold Nights (ɴɪᴀᴍ ʜᴏʀᴀʏɴᴇ)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora