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"Liam!" I jolted awake.

"Wazhappenin?" I slured my words together as I wiped the drool off my chin. 

"Try this!" Harry shoved a spoon into my face. I slapped his hand away shoving him back a few steps.

"How many times have I told you Styles to not wake me up with spoonful's of food?" I grumbled.

"Liam, I swear, just try this." Harry pushed the spoon back into my face and I begrudgingly opened my lips letting him feed me with whatever the hell he had.

"What is that? It's good!" I mumbled completely forgetting my annoyance that he didn't use a fork. (I'm not a spoon fan).

"I have no clue." Harry shrugged.

"You going to sell that at the bakery?" I asked getting up off the couch trying to flatten my bed head as we walked into the kitchen. It was a mess, but that was to be expected living with Chef Harry. Plus I could always count on leftovers.

"Why were you on the couch by the way?" Harry asked me.

"I was up late, must have just fallen asleep there." I told him omitting the fact that I was talking to Niall late into the night.

"You wouldn't have been talking to a special guy would you have?" Harry sneered as he scooped up another spoonful of his new concoction for himself.

"You can't always believe what Zayn tells you mate." I groaned.

"I'm just saying you could go out a little more, let loose even." Harry laughed.

"Look who is talking Mr. Workaholic." I laughed.

"Just because I work a lot doesn't mean that I don't fuck around. Let me tell you I fuck around a lot my friend."

"With who?" I asked shocked.

"Various people." Harry shrugged.

"You have various fuck buddies?" I sighed. "How many is various? I put air quotes around the word.

"Well," He shrugged with a coy smile. "At most two... at a time."

"Gross, I don't need to hear about your orgies Styles!" I objected standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

"I have never had a orgy in the apartment, once at the bakery but that was when I was drunk!" Harry called after me. "Where are you going?"

"To hang myself." I snarled sarcastically back to him.

I stripped down leaving my clothes scattered along behind me as I made my way towards the shower. The male body in the morning is, well, excitable. I climbed into the warm shower and rubbed the soap all over my body, soon I was hard, and my body ached to be unloaded. I pumped my fist up and down my hard dick gasping in pleasure the faster I went.

"Fuck, I am so pathetically single." I whined to myself immediately after coming mere moments after I started.

I washed the rest of my body quickly and shut off the shower wrapping the towel quickly around my waist, a slight bulge protruded from under the towel at my still partially erect dick, I walked into my bedroom. I pulled the towel off my body and began drying my hair when my phone rang. Dropping the towel around my shoulders I crawled across the bed grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"I blame you this morning for the excessive amount of coffee I've had to drink to maintain any functional cognitive abilities." Niall grumbled through the phone making me smile.

"Not a morning person are we?" I laughed back as he whimpered sadly of the other side of the phone.

"You kept me awake until way past my bedtime." He yawned in the middle of his sentence.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I'm not. I had fun last night."

"Yea me too." I agreed with him while I relaxed on the bed talking to him.

"I woke up thinking about you." Niall admitted.

"Is that so?" Liam replied happily. "I was just thinking about you too." Liam sighed realizing he was hard again. Fuck, all he needed to get hard was hearing his voice? How lonely am I? Liam thought to himself as he resisted the urge to jack off again, at least until he hung up with Niall. "What do you say I make it up to you?" 

"I'd say I'm intrigued." Niall said. 

"Tonight?" Liam asked. 

"Tell me when and where." 

"How about I get back to you on that? I've got to lock some plans down first." 

"Now I'm defiantly intrigued." Niall chuckled. 

"See you tonight." I clicked off the phone call jumping up to get dressed before rushing out to see Harry again. 

"Styles!" I yelled but he didn't answer me.Walking into the kitchen I knew he must have already left for work. I grabbed my car keys and all my stuff for work deciding I could stop in at the bakery before I got to the studio. Zayn was never a morning person so I knew he wouldn't mind if I was a few minutes late. 

The drive into the heart of London took a few minutes as I hit the heaviest traffic times but I finally pulled into the bakery parking lot and around the back. Knocking heavily on the service door for entry finally Ed popped the door open. 

"Liam, what're you doing here?" He asked letting me inside. 

"Came to ask Harry a question. How's it?" 

We made small talk weaving around the skinny kitchen halls to Harry's office. I knocked on the door waiting for Harry to answer. 

"Its open." 

"Styles!" I greeted him happily.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Got a favor to ask mate." I said quickly. 

"Oh no. No, no, no!" Harry groaned. "Liam I'm swamped and you are not convincing me to help you in anyway. 

"Oh come on!" I whined slapping my hands together into a prayer pose to beg him. 

"I'm a chef now at a very prestigious restaurant." 

"Which is precisely why I'm coming to you!" I interrupted. "Listen Styles, if this is about that time in." 

Harry shot out of his seat angrily. "Don't you dare finish that sentence!" He interupted me. 

"It was one time! And nothing to be embarrassed about." 

"I'm sorry but what arou you two fighting about?" Ed asked with a chuckle.

"When we went to Australia," Liam started again.

"Stop! Fine, fine I'll do you that favor if you just shut up!" Harry groaned 

"Ah thank you Styles! You're the best!" I bounced around his desk giving him a cheeky kiss on the head. "I'll see you back here at 8, make something impressive!" 

"Wait hold up, I'm making you dinner?" 

"Not just me, I'm sure my date likes food as well." I answered sarcastically.

"Un-be-leave-able." Harry chopped up the word.

"That's what I'm aiming for. So you two go all out, we're talking private table, 4 courses, alcohol. The works." I clapped Harry on the back. "Thanks roomie." 

Laughing I left both Harry and Ed deciding that even if one as late and Zayn was mad, I had a date with Niall to keep me happy.

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