Look How That Turned Out

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The loft was quiet now, everyone had finally fallen asleep, except Liam.

He wandered around grabbing blankets for the others and made a fire in the stove for them.

Zayn was nestled in the corner of the couch arms crossed as Hailey slept on him her head resting on his lap. Jax was sleeping on a beanbag chair beside the couch, Hailey had her arm dangling over her shoulder and Jax was using it as a pillow.

Liam smiled at how close they were especially Hailey and Jax who had grown into good friends these past few weeks. He draped a blanket precariously over Jax and Hailey then another across Zayn.

Stoaking the fire some more he walked over to the old study desk that sat in the corner of the room, library shelves covering the wall behind it with books he had never read. Relics left behind from the houses previous owners, Liam scanned the shelves thinking that one day, perhaps, he would read them all.

Sound of a door opening jarred him away from his daydream as he swiftly moved to the desk silently opening one of the drawers and reaching inside. Pulling out a gun he held it firmly in his right hand as softly stepped out of the room holding the gun up for protection.

With practice Liam had learned how to walk without a sound and he skillfully tipped toed into the kitchen. Aiming the gun at the back of a man he gulped before he spoke trying to gather the nerve to address the intuder.

"Don't shoot me Liam. You'll wake up the rest of them." The man spoke quickly startling Liam for a moment.

"How did you know I was behind you with a gun aimed at your head?" Liam asked dropping the gun as Louis turned around smiling.

"You're getting better mate, just not bettered than I am." Louis replied. Liam squinted at him. "I saw you in the reflection." Louis shrugged pointing at the glass stove door in front of him.

"I could have killed you. What're you doing here?" Liam asked putting the gun down on the table and sitting down a leg on each side of the wooden bench at the table.

"Jax texted me that you had a meltdown at the club, and that she, Zayn and Hailey were all here spending the night with you here."

"I didn't have a meltdown." I snipped.

"So what do you call breaking a bottle to arm yourself in the middle of a night club from a man that only you saw then?" Louis asked sarcastically.

"I didn't imagine him louis!" Liam hissed.

"I know." Liam looked surprised at his answer. "What you don't think I believe you?" Louis asked.

"How are you so certain of me suddenly?"

"I've been in your position many times Liam. I know everyone thinks you're crazy, seeing someone who should be dead, it's maddening."

Liam rubbed his hands through his hair like he wanted to pull all of it out, his elbows sitting on the table as he dropped his head lower and closer to the table top.

Louis kept talking. "I also know, that I've been in Niall's position too. I've been the guy who is a ghost hiding in the shadows waiting for the opportune moment."

Liam looked up, his hair messed up from his hands, he smiled slightly. "So I'm not going insane?"

"You may be, but it's up to you to prove that you aren't."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" 

"Get Niall to come out of hiding." Louis answered quickly as if the answer was obvious. Liam scoffed pushing the gun out of his way on the table. Louis sat down beside him with a mug of something hot, he slid it across the table to Liam as a peace offering. "We can do that Liam, we can bait him." 

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