Tomorrow is the Night

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My head dangled as I sat motionless on the solid concrete floor. It was dark in the room, I couldn't even see my hands in front of my face, my mouth was dry as I tried to produce some spit. No luck.

The sudden light that flooded through the door behind me appeared, though I did not turn to face it, I examined my bound wrists which were so raw from the metal cutting into my skin.

"You should really eat." Dan spoke from behind me. I ignored him. "Niall?" he questioned to see if I was listening.

"I'm not hungry. Just filled up on a big thick juicy steak." I grumbled sarcastically.

He laughed. "I see you still have that sense of humor of yours eh?"

"It's what got me all these special chats with you isn't love?" I sneered.

"I would have just thought that almost a month in isolation and you wouldn't be laughing anymore."

"A month huh?" I asked surprised by the amount of time. I had no way of knowing. "I guess that makes our anniversary soon. Or is that too weird to celebrate our one month? Seems a tad premature, I'm not really sure this will last." I joked.

"Oh I think it could go the distance." Dan answered eerily.

"Right well, what is the one month anniversary gift?" I asked. "A new set of handcuffs? Ones that don't cut into skin?" I suggested making the ones I was wearing clatter together.

"How about some truth for a change?" Dan suggested.

"Psh, no I think it's too early to dive into our deepest darkest secrets." Niall laughed. "What about a pack of gum? I can smell your breath from all the way over here mate."

"I can't help you if you don't want to talk. They want you dead." he pointed to the green light hovering about the cage.

"They can fuck themselves." Niall suggested with a smile and the light turned red. Dan groaned as McGraw stepped inside again.

"You do this to yourself mate." he hissed to Niall as the metal bars slid open. He exited as McGraw entered.

"Dan, wait!" Niall called after him. He spun around looking at Niall. "I have something to tell you."

"You want to talk?" Dan asked confused at his sudden change.

"I think now is as good a time as any." Niall answered.

McGraw stood fist clentched waiting for his chance to punch. "Now's as good a time as any to tell you that I'm seeing someone else." Niall said with a smile, Dan furrowed his brow in confusion.

"See it here is my one month anniversary with McGraw too." Niall snickered. McGraw growled before advancing on Niall. "Come on baby, if it isn't rough, it isn't fun." Niall winked at him as McGraw punched him in the face.

"I'll beat that sense of humor right out of your skull!" McGraw bellowed at him, his spit spraying me as he spoke.

"Oh my sexy stud I love it when you talk dirty to me!" Niall exclaimed as another shot to his face pelted him hard. 

"Beat him until he shuts up. Then give him another week of isolation." Dan instructed McGraw.

"Since when do I take orders from you?" McGraw hissed.

"Uh oh, trouble in paradise?" Niall quipped up.

"Shut up!" McGraw hissed at him with a kick to the body for good measure.

"Just do it. I'll let the boss know what I recommend." Dan commanded before spinning on his heel and leaving the room quickly.

McGraw turned back to Niall who laid on the floor at his feet. "Ok Horan, you ready for some quality time?" he asked sarcastically.

"Well how about we get that green light off and we get some alone time, if you know what I mean big boy." I winked again making McGraw scoff.

He slammed my head into the bars and punched my gut relentlessly.

"You are going to wish you shut up a long time ago Horan." he growled.

I blacked out soon after, somewhere between the body shots across my chest and the whippings on my back.


"It's almost been one month since Niall has gone missing!" I hissed at Louis.

"I know! But we can't just barge in with no planning."

"We've been doing recon for two weeks now! We have a plan, it's now or never."

"I hope you know what you're getting in for." Louis muttered. "We go at this, too early, and all hell breaks loose."

"But if we don't do something now, he'll die!"

"He's right Louis." Jax spoke from the corner of the couch.

"Fuck, I know." Louis breathed heavily. "Ok, Give me 3 more days."

"No. We go tomorrow night." I argued.

"Louis? Can it be done tomorrow?" Jax asked.

He scratched his head. "I fucking suppose. We won't have the new intel but they haven't moved him yet so it should only tell us exactly what we already know."

"That settles it then." Liam nodded. "Tomorrow night we are rescuing niall, or will die trying."

"I'll agree to moving it up to tomorrow but you have to follow my every command out there or I swear to God-"

"What, you're gonna kill me?" Liam snickered.

"I just might." Louis muttered harshly. "I won't have you going in there if your going to compromise my life or jaxs'."

"I'll do what you want. But you have to promise me that Niall is our top priority, don't give up until we have him."

"You have my word." Louis held out His hand for Liam to shake.

"Ok. Well that's it then. Tomorrow is the night." Jax shook her head in agreement trying not to show any fear.

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