Well, I Do Like... Foam

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The beeping registered in his mind as he shifted slightly on the couch. With great effort Niall pulled his eyes open as the light blinded him momentarily. It took him a moment to figure out where the beeping was coming from until he noticed the red blinking light flashing in time with the noise. His heart jumped a beat as he scrambled for the remote control clicking the button.

The TV changed channel to Liam's apartment as he walked around from room to room. He was in his shorts still, shirtless and his hair was standing on end but he looked good.

Niall smiled. The motion detectors clearly worked. Now he would be notified if Liam made any movement whatsoever in his own apartment. He watched him walk around, play with his dog, drink coffee and get dressed as if it was a normal television show that he just happened to catch.

10:28 am. He read the time off his worn out watch, the face was scratched, but the hands still kept time perfectly. Pulling himself off the couch, Niall, got dressed and splashed some cologne on his neck hoping that would suffice in place of a shower. He was late, as he always was, but today he couldn't be late. Not to this meeting.

The London traffic was stalled due to the rain, which never made any since to Niall, it always rained in London and yet without fail drivers would freak out. As if they hadn't experienced any precipitation before.

He crossed the cobblestone road outside Parliament cutting through the alley way to a run-down shop. LUXINGTON CAFÉ, the sign read outside but the place was boarded up and long since abandoned. The front door was blocked until you stepped right up beside it and realized you could slip behind the wood and into the café. It was an old brick building and the counter doubled as a bar with broken stools around it.

Niall tugged on the third beer tap and a door slid open in the wall behind him. He stepped into the much newer place.

Weaving down the halls, the walls turned metal the deeper you traveled, and only certain doors opened if you knew the code. Niall knew all the codes.

He turned the last corner and placed his hand on a scanner. It took a moment then a digital voice echoed around the metal room.


The door in front of Niall opened and two men stood waiting for him.

"You're late." One said.

"No shit." Niall replied walking right past them. They followed him as he stepped into a conference room.

"Sorry I'm late sir." Niall apologized to the back of the chair sitting at the head of the table.

"Sit." The voice from the chair commanded. Niall followed his instructions but the other two men did not.

"Do you have intel on Mr. Payne?"

"I've made contact, and now there is surveillance in his home." Niall said.

"Good. Does he suspect?"

"Not a thing." Niall answered. "Sir. I don't usually ask, but why are we tracking Liam Payne?"

"Do you have a problem with this assignment Horan?"

"No sir." 

"Good then we don't have a problem either." He spoke with an air of finality. I knew the subject was closed and I was never to ask of this mission again. "You may go." I stood up thanking the back of the chair and left the room. 

I left the faux cafe' and stepped back into the London streets. I pulled my old school golf cap over my head, it was my favorite, and tugged my jacket closed around my torso. I took pride in my look, stylish and hipster but rugged and manly still. Deciding I need to see Liam I checked my watch and boarded the next train. 

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