I Don't Need A Plan, Just A Gun

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Louis walked back in with Niall in tow, the cuffs shining visibly around his wrists, Jax followed behind. "Lets go." I commanded as Josh and his men exited the flat quickly. Louis pushed Niall out the door next, Jax trailing behind him. Holding out my hand I reached for her arm stopping her. "You're not going." I told her.

"The hell I'm not." She scoffed trying to break free of my grip.

"Its too dangerous Jax, you'll be safer her."

"Liam get your hands off me. Im going, I have every right to go on this mission, you trying to protect me is not going to work."

"I can't ask anyone else get hurt for me."

"You're not asking. I'm going, end of discussion. Besides what if one of your needs medical attention? Bandaids don't fix gunshots Liam."

She had a point as much as I didn't want to put her in harms way I knew there was no reason to stop her. "Fine, but stay close to me and watch out for Niall ok?"

We left the flat joining the rest of the crew in the van. Louis was sitting behind the drivers seat, Niall and Jax in the way back with Josh and his men seperating them and me. I kept looking back at Niall trying to find any visible ques to indicate his mood but he was void of all emotions as he watched the headlights of oncoming traffic whizz past him.

"So whats the plan?" Josh asked me loudly.

"I'm going to kill Control." I answered.

"Yes, but how?" He pressed for more information. I opened my mouth then closed it, then opened it once more. Suddenly it dawned on me how stupid and rash I was being. I had no plan, i didnt know who control was, id never even seen the guy. Glancing over at Niall he watched me carefully like he was trying to figure out a puzzle and my pieces didnt fit right. "You dont have a plan do you?" Josh asked forcing me to look back to him breaking my eye contact with Niall.

"Are you fucking serious?" One of the other guys swore angrily.

"I don't need a plan, just a gun." I argued trying to stay in control of the situation.

The car stopped moving as Louis pulled off the road to the side. "Why are you stopping?" I hissed.

"We're here." He nodded to the large old house sitting up on the hill behind a locked gate. It was a fortress. If I wasn't already doubting my ability to get inside undetected, with a small militia, I most certainly was now.

"Well genius, what now?" Josh sneered at me. I ignored him surveying the property. The house and gate sat high on the hill, there was no way in without being seen from above. Noticing a steady stream of water flowing down the side of the hill in a decorative landscaping river.

"Tunnels." Niall spoke up from behind us all. I turned smiling at him, he was right. All that water had to go somewhere, drainage tunnels were our way in.

"I have a plan." I whispered.

"Is it a good plan?" Louis asked turning to face me.

"I have a plan." I whispered again not wanting to think if it was a solid plan or not, either way it was our only option. "Were going to need tactical gear, night vision goggles and maybe some rainboots."

"Ive got more gear at my warehouse, let go there and stock up." Josh suggested as Louis fired up the car again driving off via Josh's directions.

It was late and the sun was fully set at the almost full moon sat high in the sky. We reached a industrial park and drove up to the most secluded and sketchy building on the lot.

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