I Always Look For Him

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3 Months later:

He scanned the room as the music pumped out of the speakers. Zayn was with Hailey laughing about something only they could hear. Taking a drink from his beer and leaning against the bar to steady himself he continued scouting the room. It was becoming a bad habit now, always paranoid that something was wrong, he couldn't stop.

It wasn't as if he was specifically searching for Niall, because he wasn't, or at least that's what he told himself every time. No he was just being observant, nothing wrong with that.

"Liam." Louis shouted next to him though the music was so loud it only sounded like a whisper. "Take the night off, you're freaking people out."

"I'm fine."

"Please, for my benefit stop eerily sitting in room corners watching people. If you are thinking like a spy then you need to learn how to blend like a spy."

"I'm not a spy."

"Funny, for the past 3 months now, you certainly seem like a spy."

"You and him brought me into this world, I didn't ask for it!" Liam snapped tripping a little as he turned to face louis, his buzzed state of drunkenness showing now, Louis caught him swiftly and righted him.

"Easy Li. Maybe you should call it a night."

"I can't shut my mind off. Do you know how frustrating it is to always think you're seeing things and knowing nothing is there?"

"Yes. I do." Louis admitted. "How about I take you home now?"

"What about Harry?" he asked as the two of them turned that way. Harry was happy and dancing next to Hailey, Zayn near then sort of moving but maily talking to someone else. "I was planning on taking him home too, if you know what I mean." Louis joked taking the beer from my hand and attempted to steer me out of the club.

I shoved him off of me. "I don't want your help Louis."

"Come on Liam, you've had enough to drink." Louis grabbed him by the collar shoving him into the hallway and out of sight.

"Get the fuck off me Lou!" Liam swore.

"You're drunk Liam so I'm not going to beat your ass but I want it noted that I could."

"Do it then!" Liam hissed. "Hit me!"

"No." Louis told him. "I am not going to hit you. I'm not giving you the satisfaction."

"Figures." Liam sighed.

"Let's go home Li."

"Piss off."

"I'm trying to help you mate!"

"I don't want your help!" Liam shouted shoving Louis away again. The music shifted seamlessly into a different song but the noise level still remained high.

"Let me." max spoke from behind them making Louis spin around quickly.

"Ah, perfect. Yea by all means, he is your problem now." Louis dusted his hands free of Liam and happily walked back into the main room of the club.

"Rough night?" Jax asked helping Liam stand properly.

"Jax, I don't need a babysitter." Liam sighed.

"How about a drinking buddy?" she suggested.

Liam eyed her wondering if that was he true intentions or if she had other motives. He nodded and she steered him back to the bar holding up two fingers and catching the bartenders eye.

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