You Had to Kill Him?

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Liam followed him out not looking as he too stepped over the dead man. Reaching for the phone he began dialing the police until Niall snatched the phone from him.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked harshly.

"You can't call the cops." Niall answered.

"There is a dead body, one that you killed, in my apartment! The cops are who we call!" Liam hissed angrily.

"The cops can't handle this."

"Why because you murdered some guy?"

"Self defense." Niall corrected.

"If that's the case then why are you afraid of calling the cops? Who are you?" Liam asked hesitantly unsure if he really wanted to know the truth.

"I already told you. I'm a spy. I work for MI6. I was assigned to protect you."

"MI6? What like James Bond? You really expect me to believe that." Liam snarled.

"Well James Bond is fictional but yes, that MI6." Niall smirked as he looked out the windows surveying the quiet night below. "He should be here any minute now." He muttered to himself waiting for the signal.

"Who? More spies? ARE YOU INSANE?" Liam shouted. Niall spun around clapping his hand back over liam's mouth to silence him.

"I'm not the guy yelling like a crazy person in the middle of the night in an apartment with thin walls. If you want something bad to happen, keep that up." He whispered harshly before letting him go rather forcefully before returning to the window.

A red glow flickered in the darkness as Niall open and closed the blinds quickly signaling back. "He's here." He told Liam softly.

"Who?" Liam asked with a flicker of fear in his voice.

He didn't answer making Liam more on edge as he waited for the imminent knock on the door. Finally it came and Niall opened the door inviting the stranger into Liam's apartment. They didn't speak vocally, more through non verbal gestures, until the stranger finally broke the silence.

"You had to kill him?" he snapped to Niall who was standing with clenched fists next to him.

"I had no choice." he replied with a growl. I scoffed turning the strangers head in my direction. His attention now on me for the first time.

"Your boyfriend doesnt agree." he pointed out.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I snapped harshly.

"Leave him out of it." Niall ignored me.

"Well trouble in paradise?" the man laughed.

"Tommo." Niall warned.

"Fine. I'll leave him alone. Let's get this done with shall we? Before anyone else turns up to kill him." He spoke with disconnect to the scene unfolding before him like it was a glass of spilt milk he was about to clean up not blood from a corpse.

"Wait!" Liam stammered jumping towards him. "You can't touch him, it's a crime scene, we need to phone the police!"

"Get out of the way kid." Louis instructed but Liam held firm blocking his way.

"You touch him and you'll regret it." Liam warned.

"You think so?" Louis asked with a smirk.

"Louis." Niall growled as if it was a warning.

"No, no, no! He needs to hear this." Louis snapped shoving Niall back and stepping towards Liam.

"Listen I don't know who the fuck you are but you are making a big mistake." lectured Liam forcefully. Louis laughed.

"I'm here to help you. The mistake would be not letting me." Louis argued.

"Help me? I don't even know you!"

"He works with me." Niall spoke up from behind Liam.

"Actually he works for me." Louis corrected.

"I don't want your help! Either of you!" Liam shouted. He turned to Niall pointing his index finger in his face. "You fucking come into my life and trick me into falling for you and then murder someone in my apartment. And you," Liam turned his pointer finger on Louis. "Are an asshole."

"I've been called worse." Louis laughed.

"Liam please." Niall said softly reaching out and putting his hand on his shoulder. Liam shrugged his hand off and stepped farther away with such a look of disgust on his face. Niall wanted to rewind, even just an hour, back to when Liam whispered he love him. Suddenly he wished he could go back in time and say the words back.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for it to happen like this." Niall apologized hanging his head to avoid Liam's eyes.

"We got to get moving. He is going to know he's dead soon, of he doesn't already." Louis said advancing on the dead body once more. Liam again grabbed his arm twisting him around to stop him from disturbing the corpse.

It happened so quickly that Liam barely had time to breath before his arm was twisted behind him. Louis shoved him against the wall leaning his weight on his back and straining the limb back to its breaking point.

"Of you ever touch me again I swear I will break this arm clean off your body and beat you to death with it." Louis hissed in his ear tighting his grip even more as Liam winced.

"Get off me!" Liam growed angrily but without any real ability to change his situation.

"Tomlinson!" Niall barked barked warning them from behind.

"We aren't calling the cops. Do you know why?" Louis asked rhetorically ignoring Niall totally. "Because A: you're Liam Payne major celebrity and your publisher, while yes will have more work to do, will not be happy.

B: The cops aren't like us. They don't know how to track people like us. They'll run finger prints only to discover that our dead John Doe here has no prints or other identifying markers about him. Then they'll run Niall's prints and, low and behold, same story." Louis

"We aren't made to be found. Were made to be invisible. They call us when they need someone who doesn't exist."

Therefore, C: you have no clue what you've gotten youself into but make one thing clear kid. If you want to survive, then stick with us."

Louis finished his speech aggressively.

"I'll let you go but only on one condition." Louis now spoke calmly. "You will do what I say, when I say it. You won't ask questions and you will never speak of this night for the rest of your measly little life. Ok?"

Liam didn't answer immediately. Louis twisted his arm even further.

"Ah fuck, ok. OK!" Liam winced as Louis let go of him just as quickly as he grabbed him.

"Ok. Everyone grab a limb." Louis instructed as if they were playing a picnic game and he was the rule master teaching us how to play.

He looked down at the dead man with a single bullet shot though the head. Probably no older than him, his entire life gone in a second.

Closing his eyes he grabbed one of his legs and lifted him up trying not to puke.

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