Chapter 4: helpful council

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   "So, Heba is just like you?" Kaiba inquires as we both linger on the back deck of my house. "I suppose that is to be expected from this kind of soul merging."
   "It's almost frightening." I answer with a chuckle. "I don't know how my mother did it."
   "She had a lot of help."
   "Gods help me." I hang my head in defeat.
   "So tell me again how she got out of her crib." Kaiba asks with an amused smirk.
    "I have no fucking idea!" I shout in frustration making Kaiba burst into a fit of robust laughter. "It's driving me insane! They'll both be one  in about a month, but how the hell did she do it?!"
   "Question of the century." Kaiba says while laughing, his shoulders trembling as he attempts to stifle his laughter.
   "Shut your trap Seth." I snap. "You don't have kids so you wouldn't understand...lucky bastard."
   "Am I lucky?" Kaiba frowns slightly. "Joey has been begging for me to replicate the process for the two of us."
   "That is terrifying." I say with a shudder. A small grin pulls at my lips as I see Kaiba's eyes narrow out of the corner of my eye.
   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
   "A child that is half Joey and worst of all half of you...that's nightmare fuel right there."
   "You're such an ass Atem!" He slaps me upside the back of my head while I laugh heartily. "I'll remember this the next time you ask for a favor." He scolds.
   "Oh please, stop acting like that actually offended you." I smirk. "Or has Joey made you a delicate little flower?"
   "I swear on the gods Atem I will kick your ass in your own backyard!" He roars in challenge.
   "You can try." I chuckle, a broad smirk etching itself on my face. "Though you and I both know that I am the strongest of the pair."
   "Let's test that!" He growls as he pulls me into a headlock. I can't help but laugh as he drags me down the wooden stairs and into the grass. Cool blades of grass tickling the skin of my bare feet and ankles. He suddenly throws me down onto the ground. I can't help but laugh as he tries to tackle me again. Gods this is bringing back so many memories.
   "Just admit that I'm stronger than you!" Kaiba huffs as he pins me beneath him, his body hovering over my back as his hands push down onto my wrists. "You can't win."
   "Challenge accepted." I answer with a smirk. I subtly flick my fingers and two tendrils of shadows grab Kaiba's ankles and drag him off of me. Oh Ra the shocked expression on his face is priceless. "Oh and would you look at that, I'm free."
   "You can't use shadow magic!" He shouts in protest as he sheds off his long white coat leaving him in a black t-shirt and dark jeans.
   "There was never a rule against it." I reply with a smirk.
   "Because it is common sense on why not to use it!"
   "Oh, and why wouldn't I use it?"
   "Because it's cheating."
   "It is not cheating!" I respond with a deep flush of indignation. "You have the same skill, so how is it cheating by using a skill that we both possess?!"
   "It was a dirty trick and you know it!"
   "It was not!"
   "Yeah it kind of was love." A familiar voice sounds through the air. My head snaps towards the deck where Yugi and Joey both stand each are holding a different beverage. I take a step towards him but Yugi quickly waves me off. "No no don't let me ruin your fun."
   "I haven't seen Seto this entertained in quite some time." Joey says with a grin. "Turns out he just needed an Egyptian day."
   "Egyptian day?" Kaiba and I both murmur in distaste. There is nothing Egyptian about what we are doing.
   "I will choose to ignore that last remark." I say, pointing at Joey meaningfully. Yugi and Joey merely burst into laughter in response. I can't help but smile slightly at the sound but it is quickly replaced by a determined frown when Kaiba leaps at me.
   Two thin arms slip themselves beneath my shoulders before pressing the palm of his hands securely at the base of my head. Yugi and Joey watch us with much amusement, identical grins on their faces as they watch us struggle for dominance. I fall back on top of Kaiba, knocking the air out of his lungs, causing the immediate release of his hands. He takes a staggering breath and I quickly turn to sit on his chest both of my feet comfortably positioned atop of his wrists.
   "Do you surrender?" I purr in contentment.
   "Piss off!"
    "Language!" I answer with a smirk. "My children are asleep inside, I don't need them hearing you and repeating your vulgar language."
   "Well someone needs to put you in your place." Kaiba spits angrily as I let him up.
   "I believe that to be my job." Yugi says with a cheeky grin. "And I have no intention of sharing."
   "Sharing him?" Kaiba looks at me pointedly. "Who the hell would want to share him with you?!"
   "What the hell Seth?!"
   "Now we're even!"
   "That was far worse than my remark!"
   "And how in the hell is that po-"
   "Guys!" Yugi yells over us making both of us fall silent. "You're both great, so would you like to come inside now? The mosquitos are starting to come out."
   "We'll be there in a minute Yugi." I answer with a smile. Yugi grins at me and his face quickly burns a bright red after I wink at him. Joey yells at Kaiba to come in soon before he and Yugi both disappear into the house. "So what do you think I should do?"
   "About Heba?" Kaiba asks with a slight shrug. "I wouldn't do a thing. She is being raised by you and Yugi. I wouldn't forget that there is also a part of Yugi in here. She'll probably mellow out in age or find a new target for her aggression."
   "I hope you're right."
   "This is a first," he says with a smirk. "Atem worried about a child. Is daddy scared to make a mistake?"
   "You have no idea." I murmur.
   "Just relax." He chuckles. "She's a mixture of you and Yugi, something great is bound to come out of that combination."
   "I wish I had your confidence."
   "The way I see it, you have nothing to worry about since you were just like her when you were younger and now you are a kindhearted softy." I look at him warningly. "She's bound to mellow out and all this fretting will get you nowhere."
   "I suppose you're right."
   "Ofcourse I am."
   "And you should do it."
   "Do what?" He inquires with a confused expression.
   "You and Joey having a baby." I answer with a smile. "Who knows maybe we'll be in-laws."
   "Is that supposed to be encouragement or a threat?" He asks with a mock aghast expression.
   "Shut up." I chuckle as I throw him into a playful headlock and drag him back into the house.

Blessed Moments (book 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora