Chapter 16: never should have left

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Yugi and I drive like hell to get back into town. All of our be,ongoing S are thrown haphazardly into a pile in the back of the car. We hadn't slowed down to pack the car properly,the only objective we had was to get home as quickly as physically possible. The car ride is entirely silent. Yugi sits beside me in numb silence his eyes closed to conceal the red and puffy eyes that hide beneath his pale lids. I can't help but feel absolutely atrocious. It feels as if the world has dropped out from beneath me leaving me to flail miserably in the air in a futile search for stable ground.
   My hands grip onto the steering wheel with a death grip that makes the muscles in my hand ache in silent protest. My knuckles glow a bright white as I drive at a breakneck speed, luckily for the pair of us we haven't encountered any police. In all honesty, even if we had nothing would have stopped me. I would have kept on driving as if I hadn't seen them.
   Yugi reaches over and places a hand on my knee. I blink in surprise and look back over at him. He looks so defeated. His euphoric and cheerful appearance from a mere hour ago has vanished entirely leaving me with this husk of the man I love. His thin fingers squeeze on my knee gently, almost as if he was trying to reassure himself that he wasn't alone and I was right beside him. I release one hand from the steering wheel and place it on top of Yugi's small and delicate hand.
   Silver tears stream down his cherubic cheeks making my heart ache at the sight of them. I would do anything, give anything to take all of his pain away or to undo this situation entirely. We still don't know all the details on what had happened, but all we know and need to know at the moment is that we need to get to the Kaiba Corp medical center as quickly as humanly possible.
   Seth was kind enough to extend his generosity towards our family during this time of need. Giving us access to all of the high end medical products, technology and personnel that his company has at its disposal. I never should have snapped at him.  My heart aches at the thought of my reaction to the news. I was never good at taking bad news, but throwing my family into that equation throws me into absolute chaos.
   "I'm so scared." Yugi whispers through trembling lips. I frown and intertwine my fingers with his. "I can't help but feel like it's my fault."
   "No," I say soothingly, gently tracing my thumb over the top of his hand. "It wasn't your fault love."
   "I should have fought against this trip more. If I had we wouldn't be in this situation."
   "That's not true," I say seriously. "This would have happened regardless if we were there or not, trip or no, this still would have occurred." I squeeze his hand firmly. "None of this is your fault. It never could be."
   "Yami?" He sniffles.
   "How are you always so brave?" His voice is ragged and wavering rapidly as he tries to hold back his tears. "Please tell me how you are always so composed in situations like this." He pleads desperately. "I want to be brave like you."
   My heart aches and I swear that I can feel it crack in my chest. I tighten my grip on his hand as the tears begin to fall. I shake my head back and forth and I can feel his curious eyes on me.
   "You are so much braver than me Yugi." I whisper through my tears. "Don't ever try and be like me. You are the only stron one in this situation."
   "That's not true." Yugi protests, leaning over so he can look at me closely. My one hand left on the steering wheel tightens its grip even more making my hand scream in agony. "Don't do this to yourself."
   "I'm so sorry Yugi," I whisper through my tears. "We never should have left. I never should have pushed this trip. We should have been at home."
   Like you said," Yugi says with a wavering voice. "This would have happened with or within us being there. We can't start thinking about what ifs." Yugi lays his head on my shoulder nuzzling his face into my neck. "We have to stay strong now. I need you to be strong and I will try to be strong for you. Can we do that for one another?"
   "Oh Yugi," I whimper as I rest my head on top of his. "I'm so scared."
   "So am I."

   After what feels like an eternity we finally arrive at the hospital. Yugi doesn't even wait for the car to stop moving before jumping out of the car, as I watch him run into the building I feel almost envious of him. He was able to get there first, where he was needed. I hurriedly put the car into park and take after my husband as fast as my legs will carry me.
   "You must be the Mutos." The overly cheerful receptionist says with a smile.
   "What room?" Yugi and I ask in unison, completely skipping over the polite preamble. The woman merely nods before looking up the number on her computer screen. She looks up at us with apologetic eyes.
   "Room 200 A." I grabbed Yugi's hand and started running dragging him along beside me. Our hearts were pounding brutally in our chests and they wouldn't stop or calm until we reach that room. We finally reach the room and as soon as Yugi enters the room he runs over to the bedside and begins weeping. I can't even make it that far. My knees buckle beneath me as I look upon the small form lying in the hospital bed. An IV and other medical equipment attached to their small form.
   "Oh gods." I sob as I kneel on the floor. "Please don't take her." Silver tears stream down my cheeks. "Please don't take our baby girl."

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