Chapter 12: departure

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"I can't believe you were serious about this!" Yugi shouts as I pin him onto the bed and grab onto his wrists. "I thought it was a joke!"
"When have I ever joked about such matters?" I tease as I tightly bind his wrists together with a red ribbon. "Besides, I rather like this helpless look on you." Yugi's face glows a bright red at my words as I nuzzle his neck. "It looks very delectable. I might just have to take a taste right now."
"Yami..." He gasps as he feels my warm breath on his neck.
"Or perhaps not." I chuckle as I pull back. Yugi lies there with a flushed expression and his breath comes slow and heavy. He glares up at me.
"Only when it comes to you." I say coyly.
"Better be only me!" He snaps. I chuckle as I pull him up into a sitting position by his bindings. "You and I would have a serious problem if there was someone else you were sleeping with!" He growls.
"I'll have to give my suitors a warning to be more discreet in the future." I tease.
"Yami!" He growls angrily.
"You are the only one for me, rest assured my love." I whisper as I nuzzle his neck. "You are the only I desire." My lips graze across his soft skin making him shiver. "You are also the only one who can satisfy my desires." Yugi moans from the vibrations of my voice.
"Don't start something you can't finish." He groans as he slips his arms around my neck. His eyes are shining with lust. I can't help but smile at the look on his face, it has been at least three months since I've last seen that expression on his face. It would be an understatement to say that I am overjoyed to see it once more.
"I plan to finish it and so much more later." I promise with a low voice making him shiver. I smirk when he gasps as he I pull his body against me. Yugi is trembling as I slide my hands beneath his thighs guiding them to my waist where they wrap around my hips. I wrap a single arm around his waist making him blush. "Embarrased little one?" I whisper.
"Shut up." He grumbles as he hides his face in my neck. I simply chuckle in response. Yugi holds onto me tightly as we make our way down the stairs and I hurriedly rush Yugi outside and set him in the passenger seat. I buckle him in and he glares at me with a look of hurt pride.
"Merely trying to help sweetheart."
"Sure you are." He grumbles to himself. I smile sweetly at him bringing my face a little closer. Yugi blinks in surprise suddenly becoming aware of how close I am.
"Gods you look so desirable right now." I murmur breathily, my warm breath washing over his skin like a wave. Yugi pants lightly as he remains motionless. "You look so good I want to have a taste." I run my tongue slowly over his bottom lip making him whimper. A smirk passes over my lips at the sound which encourages me to press my lips onto his. The warmth of his lips permeates through me. I place a hand on the back of the seat and the other on the armrest between the driver and passenger seat to steady myself.
Yugi gasps as I nibble on his bottom lip, his face becoming flushed and his breathing erotically ragged. Gods how I've missed this. I smoothly push my tongue past his lips making him squeak in surprise but it quickly mutates into a moan of pleasure and contentment. His soft tongue caresses mine gently before we collapse into a war for dominance. I allow Yugi to have dominance for a short while before I can't hope to control myself anymore.
I deepen the kiss and push him deeper into the seat. His bound hands grip into the front of my dark shirt pulling me closer. The sweet taste of his mouth is absolutely intoxicating and if it weren't for the handicap of needing to breathe I never would part from these intoxicating lips. Yugi's fingers dig into my shirt deeply and I pull back slowly a string of saliva connecting us together. Yugi's flustered face and red cheeks greet my eyes as I pull back. I gently caress his cheeks.
"I'm really looking forward to this trip." I whisper softly, gently rubbing our noses together.
"I can tell." He whispers huskily. I chuckle in response as I pull back elicting a slight whimper from him.
"Don't worry, I'll be back." I say comfortingly. "I have to go and grab the luggage and then I'll be back."
"Hurry back." Yugi says with a sweet smile.
"Don't have to tell me twice." I murmur with a chuckle as I close the car door and fish back inside the house.
"That was quite the show you two put on." My whole body freezes and I can't help but feel my blood run cold. "It's been a while since I've walked in on you two."
"How much did you see Solomon?" I ask cautiously.
"You mean besides you carrying my grandson to the car and then tonguing him down? Not much."
I groan in discomfort.
"Oh please, you act as if I wasn't young once." I glance back at him. He has a soft smile on his face. "I get it."
"Do you have everything you need for the week?"
"Yes, I know where everything is." He says with a chuckle. "Any by the way you walked right past the luggage you came in here for."
"What?" I glance back at the door and sure enough there are our suitcases. I had ran right past them. Yugi's mind boggling kisses strike again. "Thank you." I mumble with a note of embarrassment to my voice as I grab the bags.
"Have fun you crazy kids." He chuckles as I smile and walk out the door.

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