Chapter 8:homecoming

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"Well here we are." Kaiba murmurs as his sleek black sports car slows to a halt. The tires scraping against the pavement as it pulls into the driveway.
"Yeah." I fidget sheepishly. My fingers clutching onto the shiny leather seat tightly. "So it would seem." Cool ice blue eyes stare at me with a curious gaze that seems to be analyzing my very being. The way he is looking at me is setting me on edge.
"Don't tell me you are getting cold feet now."
"Not at all," I splutter in indignation. "I don't know how you could even suggest such an idea."
"You mean besides you refusing to get out of my car?" He says with a teasing tone. "Oh yes, I have no idea how I could ever come to that conclusion."
"Shut up Seth." I groan as I rest my head against the back of my chair. "You're annoying me."
"Good, maybe you'll get out quicker if I tick you off enough."
"Charming." I grumble irritably as my eyes slide shut.
"So, tell me, what is making you so hesitant about leaving my car?" He asks as he leans an arm against the steering wheel. "Usually, I wouldn't be able to get a word out before you are already out the door."
"Well this isn't the usual circumstance."
"I know that."
"I guess I'm just worried about what Yugi is going to say when I go inside." I frown. "Or even worse what he won't say and just think to himself about my actions." A slight shudder wrecks through my form at the thought. "I don't think I would be able to stand that."
"So you're just going to hide out in my car until this whole thing blows over?"
"Is that an offer?"
"Hiding isn't going to make the situation any better." Kaiba replies with a soft, breathy laugh. "If anything it's only going to make it ten times worse."
"So, what you're saying is that I have to go back in there." I mumble with a sigh.
"You do have an obligation to do such." He answers with a slight grin. I sigh defeatedly before opening the car door and stepping out. My whole body feels horribly heavy as the door shuts behind me with a final thud. I can feel Kaiba's eyes trained in me as I slowly make my way up to the front door.
My fingers wrap around the ornate knob and turn it ever so slightly, my eyebrows raise in surprise. It's unlocked. I glance back at Kaiba one last time. He stares at me and waves me on before shifting his car into gear and backing out of the driveway. Message received. I'm on my own from here. I take a slow, deep intake of breath before slowly inching open the door silently.
There is a faint sound of cooing in the distance accompanied by the clicking of silverware. I silently walk through my front room and peek into the kitchen. Solomon is sitting at the kitchen table with both Atemu and Heba. The two babes are both smiling and covered in oatmeal and I can't help but smile at the sight.
   "Welcome home Yami." Solomon says without even sparing me a glance.
   "Good morning." I answer a bit sheepishly.
   "Crazy night?" He asks with a pointed tone, his eyes never once meeting mine.
   "Where's Yugi?"
   "Asleep upstairs." He mumbles with an emotionless tone. "He's had a rough night." His last statement bites into my heart harshly like a wolf who's fangs are about to pierce through me completely.
   "I'm sorry." I say softly.
   "Why are you apologizing to me?" He snaps. "The man you should be apologizing to is upstairs."
   "I will address that in a moment." I answer sharply. "Thank you for looking after my family during my moment of weakness. Words cannot describe how deeply I appreciate what you have done." Solomon says nothing for a moment. Everything is still and silent before he curtly nods to me. That is all the response I should expect to receive from him at the moment. One problem at a time.
   My eyes slide over to the stairs and without a second thought I am already taking the steps two at a time. Extending my legs to the fullest of their capability. The heels of my shoes click on the wood floor of the stairs before being silenced by the plush carpet. I quickly walk through the familiar path from the stairs to our bedroom. The large white door to our room is shut and only a few faint rays of sunlight filter through the slit at the bottom. I take a deep breath before plunging into these dangerous waters, opening the door with a slight creak.
   The room is silent and there is a large bundle of blankets where Yugi is swaddled beneath its plush exterior. I slowly make my way over to his sleeping form. My heart aches painfully at the sight of his face. The pale cream skin is tinted a bright pink around his eyes due to his excessive crying.
   "Oh Yugi," I murmur as I lie in bed beside him, pulling the covers over the both of us. "I am so sorry." He sleeps on, blissfully unaware of my presence beside him. I run gentle fingers through his hair, brushing electric strands of hair out of his face. "I hope you can forgive me." I whisper as I plant a gentle kiss on his forehead the warm skin making my heart ache profusely.
   "Ya...mi..." He murmurs in his sleep. I remain silent and still as I watch him begin to stir. "Yami..." He calls out, his eyes still shut tightly. His thin fingers curl into my dress shirt running his fingertips over the smooth fabric for a moment before his eyes fly open in shock. "Yami?!" His hands fly to my face cradling me between his palms. "You're home! Is this a dream?" His voice is so desperate and pain filled that I almost find it too difficult to answer.
   "I'm home." I murmur softly.
   "You're safe." He sighs in relief. "Thank the gods..."
   "I'm sorry Yugi." I whisper. Yugi remains silent, his fingers continues to caress my cheeks almost as if in wonder, almost as if he hadn't heard my words. "I hope that you can understand...I am so sor-" My words are silenced by the hard and intense press of lips on mine. The warmth makes my heart flutter and my skin feel like it's melting. A soft moan escapes me as Yugi nibbles my bottom lip suggestively. He pulls back and pulls me close to him.
   "Don't ever scare me like that again!" He hisses into my ear. "Do you understand me?!"
   "I'm so sorry Yugi." I whisper with trembling lips.
   "Just kiss me." He murmurs as he pulls our lips back together. The pain in my head completely vanishes and everything about my life suddenly falls back into place. My hands rest on Yugi's waist and pull him close to me, his heartbeat echoing mine as our lips clashed.
   /"I love you."/ I send through the link with so much emotion that it brings tears to my eyes.
   /"I love you too."/ Yugi replies, his fingers twist into my hair. /"I'm glad you're home."/
   /"There is no where I would rather be."/

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