Chapter 10: deeper understanding

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   Solomon stares me down from across the kitchen table, complete silence accompanies us. Dark purple eyes clash with my deep Crimson.
   "You apologized to Yugi."
   "I have." I murmur. "Now it only leaves you to be apologized to."
   "I don't want your apology." Solomon says seriously. My eyes narrow in confusion as I stare at him with a sense of incredulity.
   "I... I don't believe I am understanding." I finally am able to speak after a moment of surprise induced silence. "You don't want my apology?"
   "That is correct."
   "May I ask why?" I lean back in the chair, my eyes never straying from Solomon's face.
   "I don't need it." He says coolly, mirroring my action by leaning back in his own chair. "Your apology isn't something I'm dying for, I don't need any closure on this subject."
   "You seem to be handling this fairly well."
   "Is that what you think?" His eyes narrow as they look at me. "My grandson cried himself to sleep last night and my great grandchildren were confused to see my face when they woke instead of yours... If you consider me taking your place as coping with this well then yes I am doing so wonderfully."
   "Solomon," I sigh. "I already explained myself."
   "An explanation doesn't exactly make me feel any better about the situation Yami." He responds curtly.
   "You know I don't remember you ever acting this harshly towards me when we all lived under the same roof." I say with a slightly teasing time as I lean forward on my elbows, the smooth wood of the table gliding beneath my skin. "Now why would that be?"
   "Simple, you weren't family back then, now you are." Solomon answers with a slight shrug. "As your family it is my obligation to point out when you have screwed up." A slight smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "Repeatedly."
   A slight chuckle escapes me as I look into this familiar eyes. "You are incredible you know that?"
   "I have been told." He murmurs. "But tell me anyways why I am so incredible."
   "You're not even truly angry with me, are you?" I inquire with a note of challenge in my voice. Solomon goes silent and stares out the window for a moment before meeting my eyes once more.
   "It would appear that you have figured me out." Solomon answers with a frown. Deep purple eyes analyze me with a sad depth to their gaze that almost makes me want to cry. "We were both very worried about you Yami."
   "There is nothing I can ever do that will make up for what I have put the both of you through."
   "Just be grateful that your children are too young to remember or understand what happened and that you have a very forgiving husband." Solomon says with a pointed look. "Not many can claim to be as fortunate."
   "I truly am very lucky." I answer with a small smile. "Yugi truly is a kind and forgiving young man, I have no idea what I could have ever possibly done to deserve him."
   "You understood him." Solomon answers simply. "You both have gone through deep losses. Both know the pain of grief and sorrow. It's only natural that you should be drawn towards someone who has undergone similar experiences as yourself." Dark purple eyes glaze over as memories float before their depths. "It's sad for me to think that I will have to put Yugi through one more loss."
   "Solomon." I murmur.
   "Don't look at me like that!" He snaps. "Like I'm some withering flower. I'm still kicking and I will tell you off until my last breath."
   "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I answer with a chuckle. My laughter soon dies on my lips and I can feel my eyebrows begin to furrow as his words sink in.
   "You have questions." Solomon says dully.
   "Don't deny it. It's written all over your face."
   I sigh in defeat, glancing down at my palms. There is still so much about Yugi's life that I don't fully understand. Such as why he was living with his elderly grandfather instead of his parents. Where were the people who brought him into the world?
   "Where are Yugi's parents?"
   "Same place as your own." Solomon answers dryly. "I'll be joining my son soon enough in oblivion."
   "How did it happen?" I ask numbly.
   "His mother, such a beautiful woman, died during childbirth while his father, my only son, died in a car accident only a few weeks later." Solomon's face remains blank and impassive as he speaks of this painful and horrible time in his grandsons life, as well as his own. "He never truly had the opportunity to know his parents, and there are moments when he would feel that loss very keenly."
   "I never knew."
   "Would you expect him to ever speak of it?" Solomon asks curiously. "It's a rather somber topic, Yugi isn't a huge fan of those kinds of conversations even if they are necessary."
   "I see." I mumble.
   "Now that you know, what will you do with this information?"
   "Absolutely nothing." I answer seriously. "I have no desire to discuss this with Yugi. It will only cause him pain and that it something I wish to avoid entirely." Solomon blinks in confusion and simply stares at me for a moment. A small smile dawns on his lips after a few tense moments of silence.
   "I'm sure his parents would greatly appreciate that gesture."
   I say nothing as I pick at the table with my nails. In all honesty, I'm not doing it for them. The only one in my thoughts is Yugi.
   "He deserves a happy life."
   "Which is exactly what you can give him." Solomon grins. "You and your children."
   "I hope so."
   "You just need to learn to share Yugi." He says with a knowing smile. I stare at him in surprise but make no effort to deny his claim. How could I when everything he said was true?
   "It's proving to be rather difficult." I admit sheepishly.
   "Perhaps I can help with that situation."

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