Chapter 15: end of serenity

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   I can't remember the last time I've been this happy. Being able to spend so much  time with Yugi alone and uninterrupted has been wonderful. Like a dream that I hope can and will never end. Yugi's sleeping form snuggled up against me makes me feel purely euphoric as he cuddles me. I run my fingers though his hair slowly and gently. He hums in contempt in his sleep under my ministrations. The mere contented sound of his reaction brings a broad smile to my face, this is what Yugi does to me. He makes me completely incapable of not smiling.
   "Good morning." He yawns. His face nuzzling further into my neck. Warm breath blasting against my neck making me chuckle quietly.
   "Did I wake you?"
   "No..." He murmurs sleepily.
   "Darling, you still sound tired."
   "I'm not...tired at all." He says through a huge yawn. "I'm wide awake."
   "You're a horrible liar." I chuckle as I run my fingers over his ribs. "You can't even open my eyes."
   "Shhhh..." Yugi whispers. "I'm awake." I can't help but chuckle at the sheer cuteness of the moment. He is so desperately trying to stay awake, but failing. He's slipping back into sleep right this second. I plant a gentle kiss on his forehead making him hum sweetly.
   "I'm going to get in the shower." I whisper. "Sweet dreams sweet heart."
   "I told you..." He mumbles. "I'm awake."
   "Whatever you say." I answer with a fond and affectionate smile as I roll out of bed. My fingers grab onto the large plush blanket and tuck it around his peacefully sleeping form. The early morning light makes a crown glow around his out of control locks making him appear even more angelic than usual. I truly am the luckiest man on this earth.
   A soft yawn escapes me as I stretch, the warm rush of blood overcoming me as my muscles slowly begin to wake up. I grab my phone before walking into the bathroom. I click the home button of my iPhone to check the time, but what captures my attention the most is the sheer number of missed calls from Joey. I have six missed calls from Joey. I'll call him back after I get out of my shower.
   Warm water blasts out of the shower head cascading over me and my insane bed head. A soft sigh of contentment escapes me as the warm water hits my shoulders and all of my muscles relax almost instantaneously. I lather a large quantity of shampoo in my hair making a plethora of bubble fly into the air. A large bubble lands on my nose and I irritably blow it away from me and watch it pop midair.
   A loud buzzing fills the air and I realize that it's my phone. The buzzing stops after a second alerting me that it's a text message. Well at least it's not another random phone call from Joey. He probably only called to check in with Yugi and see how the trip was going, since Yugi had , conveniently, forgotten his phone at home. It was a total accident on my part... Okay maybe not a total accident. I had good intentions and that's all that matters here!
   I sigh as I rinse off my body and turn off the water. After drying myself off throughly I grab for my phone. There was a text from Kaiba and it wasn't a very friendly text message either.
  'Answer your damn phone you stupid ass!'
  Well good morning to you too. I open iMessage and see that this isn't the first text message he has sent me. All of them are just as friendly as the last. Well, he obviously needs to talk to me, so why not.
Hey, just got out of the shower what do you need? I hit send and set the phone down onto the counter. I begin to roughly towel dry my hair, feeling all of the moisture slowly begin to be absorbed by the thick fabric of the towel. I had just finished when my phone had buzzed again, alerting me of his response.
   'Where the hell have you been?!' I can't help but blink in confusion at this. 'I don't care that you were in shower why haven't you been answering your phone?!'
   I am on a trip with Yugi, remember? I told you about this before I left. Oh and thank you for the cheerful morning greeting. -_- I set my phone down and pull on my clothes, my shirt having a difficult time being pulled over my head due to the remaining moisture on my chest. My phone buzzes again but I finish getting dressed and attaching all of my belts and buckles before picking it up once more.
   'Still doesn't explain why you haven't been answering your phone!'
   Doesn't it?! I text in response. Why should I be texting you while I'm on my romantic get away with Yugi?! You wouldn't be texting me if the situations were reversed!
There is a moment of silence after this. It is almost like he is trying to think of what to type in response or he is just so outraged about my remark that he has decided to completely ignore me.
'Are you quite finished?' He replies. 'If you are done acting like a child there is something that you need to know.'
   I hardly think that I am the one acting like a child! You are being ridiculous!
   'Are you ready to listen yet?' The nerve of this guy. True he is one of my closest friends but why is his new suddenly so important that it has to break in on my alone time with my husband.
Depends, is it good or bad news? I reply after taking a calming breath. There is a long pause before he responds. The pause sets me on edge. Something is horribly wrong here I can feel it. Finally my phone buzzes and the text that is on my screen makes my heart almost stop in my chest. We never should have left! We never should have left! "Yugi!!"

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