Chapter 18: reunion

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   "Yami?" Yugi lifts his head as I open the door.
   "I'm here." I answer, softly running my fingers through his hair making him lean back into my palm.
   "Where's Atemu?"
   "He's with Kaiba and Joey." I say softly. "Kaiba wants to talk to you and Solomon." Solomon and Yugi look at one antother before looking back at me curiously.
   "What about?" Yugi asks, looking up at me intently.
   "I don't know, he didn't say."
   /"Yami what are you planning on doing?"/
   /"I need to try something and I would rather that you and Solomon are not in the room when I make this attempt."/ Yugi frowns as he looks up at me. /"I need you to trust me on this."/
   "Okay then I guess grandpa and I will just have to go and see what he needs then." Yugi says as he rises to his feet, extending a hand out to Solomon.
   /"Thank you Yugi."/ I send with a small smile. Yugi glances back at me for a moment before walking out the door with Solomon in tow.
   /"Good luck Yami."/
   As soon as the door closes I lock it behind them. Better to be super cautious than to have some poor soul unknowingly walking in on this. I come and sit on the bed with Heba, pulling her into my lap and cradling her in my arms. She whimpers slightly as her body shifts.
   "Shh little one." I murmur. "Your father is here, don't be afraid." She falls silent again as she falls deeper into her sedated state. "Good girl." I murmur. My eyes slide shut as I allow myself to feel the shadows of the world around me begin to conceal and fly towards me. Welcome back old friend they seemed to say as they gathered around me like a cloak. "Mother," I whisper. "You said that you would always watch over me and I need your help in this moment. If you are able to help me please come forward."
   The world begins to slow and time seems to drip like molasses as everything goes still. My eyes open and I come face to face with the spirit of my mother. Her deep crimson eyes stare into mine with a remorseful happiness. Her similar hair reminding me of how many times she had played with my hair when I was young and promising me that she and I were one and the same, always connected. Today will be putting that bind to the test.
   "Hello mother."
   "Atem." She whispers. Her hand gently cups my cheek and strokes it with her thumb. "You have grown so much since I last saw you. You've grown so handsome."
   "Mother I need your help." Her eyes suddenly grow serious as she looks down at Heba.
   "This child is very ill." She murmurs as she runs a gentle hand through Heba's hair. "Who is she? I feel drawn to her."
"Her name is Heba." I answer softly. "She is my daughter."
"Your daughter." She smiles. "No wonder, she is half of you and Yugi. I suppose it is no surprise that I'm drawn to her." Her elegant fingers stroke Heba's cheeks gently. "What would you have me do son?"
"Please heal her, she is dying." Tears begin to brim in my eyes. "I can't bear to live without my daughter, nor could I bear to separate her from her brother."
"You have a son as well!" She says with a note of pure joy in her voice. Her hands cover her mouth as fresh tears begin to slide down her cheeks. "Oh my son."
"Mother can you do anything for her?"
"I could merge our souls, that would heal her of her ailment."
"But what would that cause to happen to Heba?" I hold my daughter closely. "Would that cause more harm than good?"
"The only thing that would change is her appearance, but thankfully she and I look very similar." She smiles down at her granddaughter with genuine pride. "She's such a beautiful child."
"She is." I murmur with a happy smile.
"The only difference I can predict in her appearance would be that her skin will become a tad darker."
"We can manage!" I say hurriedly. "I would rather have my daughter than have her die because I was worried about her appearance changing."
My mother comes and sit on the bed beside me, she wraps her arms around me and pulls me close. She kisses me gently as she holds me. Tears splash onto my shoulder as she cradles me in her arms.
"I am very proud of you my son." She whispers as she reaches over me. "You have become a very strong, wise and handsome young man and an even better father." She places a gentle hand on Heba's forehead. "You have made both myself and your father very proud." A white light erupts beneath her finger onto Heba's forehead, a startled gasp escapes me as the room is swallow within the confines of the white light.
My eyes go wide in shock and fear as I realize that my arms are empty. The slight weight of my daughter is gone.
"Heba?" I call out into the light.
"Shh," I turn and see my mother cradling Heba in her arms. "Don't wake the baby." She murmurs with a genuine smile on her face. I hurriedly crawl over to her and put a gentle hand on Heba's forehead. The oppressive heat has vanished from her now rose gold colored skin. I look up at my mother who beams at me with pride. "She's all better now my dear."
"Thank you." I whisper past the tears streaming down my cheeks. "You saved her."
"I would do anything for you," she smiles as she looks down at Heba. "Or your family." She plants a gentle kiss on Heba's head before returning her to me. "I will watch over you and your family for the rest of your days. Allow this mark to remind you of my promise." Her finger glows as she touches the back of Heba's shoulder where a small golden pyramid marking glows.

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