Chapter 10

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I see a bright light and a tall figure in between it, out of curiousity I walk closer only to realize that figure was my father. I feel a tear slip down my cheek, he looks so at peace and happy he looks the exact same like he had never left us.

"Daddy" I question he smiles at me, the smile is genuine he gave me the kind of smile that you only see once in a while. A actaully genuine smile I walk closer to see he has wings, and my eyes furrow in confusion.

"Hi angel" my father responds, his voice is so angelic. It sends me straight into relaxation I've been counting the days, the days when I would be able to see him again. The days when I would get to see his voice, and see his million dollar smile.

"Look at how grown up you are" my father says astonished, I reopen my eyes to look down at myself. He was right it has been a couple years and I've grown up.

"Dad" I ask he looks up at me telling me to go on

"You're an angel" I question and his smile grows bigger before he nods, he looks so happy but when he see's my expression it goes right away.

"I miss you so much" I sob 

"Honey you need to know I am always with you guys, whenever you're crying although you can't feel it I'm there rubbing your back sending soothing words into your ear. When ever you're in trouble I am there to be your gaurdian and protect you" he says I sniffle back the tears, as I make eye contact with my father he has a pained expression on his look.

"I never left" he whispers coming closer holding me into his arms, it's so real It really feels like my father is touching me. And then it hits me, if my father is an angel I must be visiting him in heaven right? am I dead?

"Am I dead" I ask and he shakes head.

"You have to go back soon" he tells me and tears come back into my eyes, although there is a part of me that doesn't want to go back I know I have to.

"Now lets talk about that Harry fellow" My father says and I smile, although that little ache stings into my chest at the mention of his name I smile at my father knowing. Everything.

"I like him" he says and a smile grows even bigger.

"I did to" I sigh and he sighs as well

"No you loved him and you still do" he says almost reading me like an open book, my father was always good at that he could always tell when something was wrong. I envyed him for that.

"I wish you could have met him dad, you two would have gotten along so well" I sob into his shoulder as he holds me tighter, only making me cry more knowing that this is the last time I get to see him. But a little better knowing he was always here and always will be.

"I know angel but now you gotta go back" his angelic voice rings through my ears, causing me to cry even more and hold him tighter.

"1 goodbye angel" he says and he pulls away from me

"2 I love you" his voice rings through my ears.

"3 go back" his voice is faded and now I see black..

No one's P.O.V

As they wait there anxiously, for the doctors to come back and poor out dreadful or good news. There's mixed emotions spreading through the room as they all cry on each others shoulders, as they hold hands and pray.

The boy in the most disstraught place looks unreadable, looks like he's been through hell and back and doesn't know what to do about it. Everyone is nervous and anxious everyone is scared of what the outcome could be, but everyones thankful that they found her maybe not at the best time.

But they did it.

"I knew you guys would find her" A delicate voice says causing everyone attention to snap towards that direction, Eleanor sniffles back some tears as she wipes her eyes leaning off of Louis and looking everyone in the eye.

"She knew you guys would find" Eleanors soft, calm voice makes everyones hear swell. Yet the aching pain is still alive the questions are all still there, and the what ifs seem to not go away.

"I'm scared" a raspy voice says taking everyone by surprise, they never expected to hear those words come out of the tough guys mouth. They all looked at each other stunned yet they knew thats what they were waiting for, they were waiting for the conceeded bad boy Harry styles to be pushed to the back and the emotional one to finally break it's way to the surface.

A tear drop slips down the boys cheek, as all the memories flood back to him. The good ones and the bad, all the times they've fought, all the times they've made love every single moment was stuck in his brain making this even more emotional.

All these delicate, fragil broken people with this emotions building up inside of them just sit and wait, wait for the possibilitys wait for the worst news they could ever recieve in their entire life. Although they could be waiting for the best.

Negative outcomes keeping running through their minds.

"I am to" Eleanor's voice rings throughout the wait room, Harry looks up at her as they make in an intense stare it's almost as they're talking to each other saying everything will be okay.

"We all are" Danielle sobs Liam puts his arm around her in attempt to calm her down, these are the routines this has been happening all night. The constant crying and the constant soothing words everyone trys to put in each others ears to calm them down.

Only to find it goes in one ear but right out the other.

"Family of Ms. Roberts" A doctors voice booms through the waiting room, all of us stand a proud family a bond unbreakable stand up and wait for the fate of there dear friend.

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