Chapter 35

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Alyssa's P.O.V

Waking up to the sun beaming through the curtains I scrunch my face up before groaning today is the day I go see my mother. Which I am somewhat happy about, I have no idea how she is going to react. I know I am going to get scolded for not calling, or texting nor stopping by meaning she will be furious.

Allowing Harry to sleep a while longer, I decide to get into the shower. He hoping it will clear my mind I dont want to worry to much, but the nerves are settled in. I have no doubt they arent going to go away, Walking into the bathroom I turn on the shower gripping the counter I sigh taking a look at myself. I look stressed and no women wants to look like that.

Stripping out of my clothing, I get into the shower letting the warm water hit my skin. I moan lightley in response the warm water droplets hitting my skin almost feels like a massage, Grabbing soap I  begin washing myself and then my hair with some shampoo.

"Phone rings dont wanna pick it up im so scared Im gonna say so much" I begin singing cher lloyds love me for me, Singing in the shower my little obsession I have always like singing. Singing was something I enjoyed doing it was a hobby for me and my father he would play piano and guitar and I would sing.

Singing in the shower is now my guilty pleasure sense I quit the music life 

"Im done I give up-" I began to sing but get interupted by that brtish accent I have come to adore embarassment takes over me. He wasnt supposes to be awake but he always is at the worst time.

"I didnt know you could sing" he's raspy morning voice praises, a blush creeps up onto my face. I am very gratful he cant see right now I always get taunted on that.

"Uh yea" I say quietly no one hear knows I can sing, I never brought it with me when I moved here. It was left behind just like everything and everyone else.

I dont get anything in response so I am guessing Harry had left the bathroom, closing my eyes I massage the conditioner out of my hair. Until I hear the curtain swing open revealing my eyes to Harry in his birthday suit, I see him looking at me with hungry eyes but I just roll my eyes.

"Wait your tone" I yell playfuly and I hear a chuckle escape his lips, before his precense is in the shower with me. 

A girl cant get a minute alone. I think to myself

Looking at him with a small smile because he has that all to famous smirk on, I shake my head as I turn around not facing him anymore. I can feel his eyes on me causing me to smirk but he shoudn't be he is not getting lucky.

"Switch spots" I say to him turning back around his face is only inches a part from me, I quickly peck his lips giggling before moving to the back of the shower so he can get wet.

The water falls down Harrys body causing me to bite my lip, No. I have to control myself we have somewhere to be. Harry noticing me starring smirks .at me and I look away quickly with a small smile on my face,  I have no idea why I am even staying in here I am finished.

Grabbing the bar of soap I wash his tone chest having fun with him. I trail the soap down lower and lower seeeing his eyes squeez shut when I reach his V line I slowly go lower and lower having my hand run over his length he moans in response.

Smirking I get out of the shower, minutes later I hear him groan.

"Where are you going" he groans and laugh a litt.e, shaking my head.

"I have to get ready" I sing and I hear him huff 

"Damn tease" I hear him mutter and I cant help but laugh as I sleep on my underwear, realizing I dont think I have any clothing left here. I rummage through Harrys closet   coming upon a few of my things I dont know how i missed them I decide looking nice is a good option I mean not seeing them for months mostly my mother my brother and I kept in contact.

I wear a floral dress and combat boots that I wore here sealing a bear of Harry ray bands I put them on and I am finished.

"Ready" I ask Harry ask he comes out surprisngly all dressed, I guess I didnt say an outfit on the sink.

He nods his head as we walk we down the stairs and get into the cars, the nerves sink in as we drive to my mothers house. I tap my fingers as I look out the window, I cant help but think they wont want to see me.

I just left ya know..

I am a horrible sister and daughter.

"You'll be fine" Harrys soothing voice says, he can probably tell by my body laungauge what I am feeling.

 As we pull up to my old house, memories flood to me. Good and bad ones me and my family were so close and now I haven't seen them in forever, I feel a lump in my throat forming and all negative things going through my mind. 

Feeling harrys hand on my thigh for comfort I suck in a breathe before getting out, Harry hot on my trail grabs my hand as we walk to the front door. I can hear my heart beating louder then ever I have never been more scared.

Squeezing my eyes closed for a mere seconds I knock on the door.

seconds later. My mom opens the door with surprise all over her face.

"Alyssa" she questions

"m-mom" I ask as my eyes travel down to her stomach, my heart almost stops

I shouldn't have come here

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