Chapter 37

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Hi Guys!

So today I got an inbox from a supporter they wanted me to check out there book and I enjoyed it.

If any of you want me to read yours give you a few pointers I would love to!

alright thank you!


Alyssa's  P.O.V

I cant help but feel the guilt forming in my stomach, I know my father is gone but I still feel like I am betraying him.  

"I never wanna see her again" I tell Harry I hear a little chuckle escape his lips, although I do not understand what is so funny.

"What" I ask sitting up, we have been sitting on my couch talking, annoyed I remove myself from lounging on his shoulder.

"She's your mother Alyssa" he says turning completely serious, one minute he is laughing at me and the next he is on all serious mode. I cant stand all these constant change in opinions, I am going to get wiplash.

"She hasn't been a mother for a long time" I sigh its the truth sense my fathers passing she was so down, thats why we had to move not that I am complaining now. She just couldn't stand any memory of him, and memories are important you are supposed to charish them not try and throw them away.

"I didn't even know she was seeing someone some mom right?" I say trying to keep calm, there is no reason to go off on Harry when he has done nothing wrong, I am gratful that he stayed by my side through this.

I am sure it was uncomfortable for him being there again.

"Alyssa stuff happened, a lot of things you didnt stay in much contact either" Harry explains and as much as I want to keep calm, I am going to explode at any second. Whos side is he on, does he not understand how sensitive and hard this is for me.

"a little text saying she's fucking pregnant and dating again would even be nice" I shout standing up getting off of the couch, Harry groans as I stand there with my arms over my chest. I am worst then furious how could he be sticking up for her, yea shit happened like I was in the hospital but she didnt know because she didnt keep contact with me.

"You're so oblivious to the fact that this hurts me, how would you feel if your mother remarried after everything" I shout covering my mouth I mentally slap myself for bringing that up, that should have never left my mouth.

I regret it completely.

"I'm sorry" I say immediatly my hand lowering itself from my mouth, I cant even look him in the eye after what I had just said. It was cruel and un called for. I would never use his fathers past against him.

"Why would you even speak of that" he growls I know how uneasy this topic is, I really wish that never came out of my mouth.

"It slipped" I say quietly I feel so guilty, I cant even look him in the eye.

"I try to make you feel better and you bring up the past" he shouts making me flinch, I have to do something and fast before this gets out of hand.

"trying to bring my past into this huh" he barks making me flinch again, I walk a little closer to him putting my hand on his chest only for it to be pushed away.

No more words are said he is gone, out the door and I could never be more worried. Harry doesn't drink but when he's mad who knows what he can do.

"God damn it" I mutter my best bet is to pack a bag and wait for him at his house, those words should have never slipped thats Harrys sensitive spot and his sensitive spot it out of anger.

Packing everything I need I run towards my car locking the door behind me, I hope he went straight home I am so worried.

Harry's P.O.V

Your past.

Your past.

Your father, your mother was abused.

you watched, and couldnt do anything.

It all just keeps replaying in my mind, the scene in front of me. It keeps replaying in my mind, watching my father beating the living crap out of my mother. And I couldn't do anything, I was supposed to protect her and I couldnt.

Driving to Ben's bar and grill and I need a drink, I stopped drinking sense then I used to get these dreams where I was screaming trying to help my mother, they used to replay in my head but they slowly faded.

I never want them to come back.

"Harry" the brunette behind the counter confronts me and I roll my eyes, I am in no mood to get flirted with.

"Just give me a shot ashley" I say putting her hands up in defense she grabs a few shots, placing them in front of me she fills them with vodka, without a second thought I bring each glass one buy one and swig them.

Having the normal burning feeling, the warmth begins in my stomach. And I am driven to drink more and more, the memories and all my worrys slowly fade away with every drink I take, making me only want more and more.

"Give me another" I slur the strength of the vodka already has me drunk, barley being able to talk I dont even want to try and walk.

Soon the memories are fully gone, and the worrying has subsided.

Alyssa's P.O.V

*3 O'Clock in the morning*

No phone calls, no text messages no nothing. You can see why I am so worried right, it is 3 in the morning and there is no sign of Harry and he isn't answering my calls nor texts.

I cant help but think about the worst you know?

I should have never said that I know I shouldn't have but word vomit, it always comes at the wrong time. He was just being so insensitive it just slipped, you know how some people talk out of anger and stress.

Well... That's what just happened.

the door slamming snaps me out of my thoughts, and I stand up quickly until the stench of liqiour fills my senses I want to shake my head in shame. But this is somewhat my fault, he didnt have to result in drinking though that is never the answer.

"Have you been drinking" I ask already knowing the answer, I just want to make sure I am correct. I want to believe he wouldn't do something so stupid, I want to believe he wont act like his father did.

Too late for that.

"Whats it to you" Harry slurrs I close my eyes quickly in dissapointment, also out of guilt I cant help but feel that ounce of guilt for this.

"Harry you should sit down" I say calmly us fighting right now isn't a good idea, although I know harry would never hurt me intoxicated or not.

"Dont tell me what to do" he growls I am a bit taken back, but I stand my ground. He should sleep and we can have this conversation in the morning, I feel like something is going to go terribly wrong.

"Please you need to sit down" I shout pleading isn't getting us anywhere, and I doubt that screaming will either but I am doing the best that I can.

"Why do you have to be a snob who only thinks about her feelings" he asks and my heart just fell into my stomach, he's never said anything like that to me before. And that was taking it to far it escalated quickly and it shouldn't have.

"Who are you" I ask a tear slipping down my cheek, it is to late to go home.

"Alyssa I didnt mean it" he seems to sober up quickly from the look on my face, shaking my head not wanting to hear it anymore. I walk up the stairs and into the guest room, locking the door behind me I dont have the energy to argue anymore. Yet I am still crying although I dont have much energy for that it still happens.

"Alyssa I am sorry" i hear Harry knock on the door, I choose to ignore it laying down on the bed. He continues to knock and I continue to ignore, when he is sober we can talk.

And he is not sober..

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