Chapter 48

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Hi Guys!

So I think I figured out the actual dedication thing but who knows, anyway I am hopfully as I said in the last chapter back to my normal schedule. I don't want to be the kind of author that makes you guys wait a month for the next chapter, so I am doing everything in my being not to even make it a week.

I enjoy writing for you guys so much like you have no idea, writing has become such a passion for me and I love it!


this beautiful lady @xParadise is making me a trailer!!!

I would never be able to thank her enough!

Except to tell you guys to check out her amazing book!

Toxic Taste it is an amazing story you will be thrilled, it has so much in it and it really captures the eye to say the least I am in love with it, it is magnificent and I think all of you would enjoy it just as much as I do!

now I want to do dedications again so if you leave comments I will choose out of you guys for each chapter to dedicate alright! 

And this chapter is dedicated to FanFicWriter17 for many reasons, she has supported me since the book has started and I cannot thank her enough. She has been more then helpful and encouraging she makes writing this book even funner!

so thanks love.


Alyssa's P.O.V

There's only one thing running through my mind as I continue to punch Harrys hand, the glove he has on is delario's face I want that bastard to feel half as much pain I have. I want him to feel half as much pain he's put plenty of people through, I want that bastard to suffer he will rot in hell along with his little side kick Trevor.

He's already in hell..

"Uh" I groan as I kick his hand in the perfect position, we've been going at it for what seems like hours I am drowned in sweat but I don't seem to care. Nor does Harry and he is sweaty as well his curls are sticking to his forehead and its surprisingly very attractive but I try to keep my attention and focus else where.

This is important to me more important then anyone will ever know, unless they have been in my exact same position you have no idea what it is like looking over your shoulder every minute and sooner or later I wont have to anymore.

I stop hitting when I notice Harry puts his hands down, I frown knowing he is probably going to call it a day. But realistically I could go at it forever for as long as I could ever possibly please, I could just keep going my energy isn't exactly worn out and I want it be I want to be completely worn out before I finish.

"Lets call it a day" Harrys voice rings through my ears saying exactly what I predicted, I sigh taking off my gloves so Harry's boxed which is kind of questioning I know Harry does and knows a lot of things but boxing wasn't one of them not one of them at all.

I sit on a bench grabbing a water bottle out of our bag, I rest my elbows on my thighs as I take sips of the bottle. My breathing is uneven from that major work out we had just done, but that doesn't mean I wont be ready to do it again. Although I know I am going to have aching pains from this, this working out wasn't always my thing and I wondered how I wasn't 500 pounds yet. Not working out but eating constantly it was a blessing if you ask me.

"You did good" Harrys voice rings through my ears as he sits next to me, taking a swig out of his own ice cold water. Is it me or is it like 200 degrees in here I am burning up and it is ridiculous, I nod my head really not able to talk much my throat was dry very dry and I think I am having a heat flash because I am a bit dizzy.

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