Then what happend was

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I had fun with Hayes and all the guys but I think Becky and carter really hit it off.

"Bye guys we will see you guys soon." I wave bye waiting on Becky to see that I am ready to go.

"You promise you will text me right?" She says to carter in a flity way.

"Promise text you soon beautiful." They hug and Becky walks away.

"Promise you'll text me Alex ?"Hayes ask me making me laugh along with the other guy except Becky and Carter.

"I promise Blue eyes." I hug him and kiss his cheek.

I walk to my Jeep and start to drive off. I beep my horn at the guys and speed down the road.

"Can we go to Starbucks?"Becky ask.

"Yeah." I turn the corner and boom the most wonderful place on earth.


Me and becky get out and head in as we walk in some of Becky's fans come running up to her asking for a picture and a hug.

I just leave her and order bc i know what she always orders.

"Hi welcome to Starbuck what can I get for you today?" The young girl asks with a sweet smile.

"Can I have one cotton candy frap and one mocha FRAP blonde with extra whip cream on both?" I smile back taking my wallet out. Just as Becky was walking up.

"That will be 14.32 on and I need your name," she says holding out her hand. I hand the money and give her our names.

Me and Becky found a place to sit and we start to talk about random things until our names are called. Becky gets up to grab the drinks. I just sut on my phone scrolling through IG until-

"We are not done you know that right?" I look up to see Mike right in front of me.

"Can you just leave me alone like for the rest of your sad pathetic life, because if you hadn't noticed I hate you and your slut." I spite at him then I see something flash in his eyes.

Hurt, love, rage.

Its a good thing I don't have to put up with that that whore does. Then I get a text.

Blue eyes: hey Alex you want to hang out tomorrow or nah?

To blue eyes: I can't cheer leading practice and competition for dance but you are welcome to come and we can meet up for a bite after.

Blue eyes: why do girls type so much and yea sounds great see you tomorrow babe.

I smile at my phone he called me babe. I look up to see that Mike is gone good.

Becky comes back with our drinks. After 5 minuets wft.

"What took you so long?" I ask her.

"Well when Becky G.wants a mocha FRAP she gets one and a bunch of fans wanting pictures." She laughs Becky loves her fans.

They always will have her back. And no matter what she will always be there for them.

I look up phone to see Austin mahone.

Becky waves him over. And he smiles a walks over to us.

To be continued....

Hey guys sorry for not updating going to try Mir often but you know kinda hard right now but I will later .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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