Chapter 5

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Zack Point of view:

I glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was 12 minutes past 4. I have agreed to meet Rachel here, but what is taking her so long.

I got my phone out of my pocket. No new messages. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

"Can I get you anyhing sir?" The waiter asked.

"I am still waiting for somebody." The waiter nodded.

"Hi Zack." I looked up and saw Rachel. She had a stroller? Why?  I stood up and hugged her. "It has been too long." She said softly. I smiled and sat down, it has been less then a year since  we last seen eachother. We looked at eachother awkwardly. Untill the baby started to cry.

"Sorry." She whispered, she opened the stroller revieling the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.

"Good afternoon. Would you like anything to drink?" The waiter asked.

"Green tea for me please."

"And for you sir?" The waiter asked and turned to me.

"Coffee with no milk please." The waiter nodded, There was a long scilence.

"She is really beautiful Rachel." I said reffering to the baby. She smiled. "Thanks."

"Here you go sir, and madam. " The waiter said and gave us our drink. We thanked him.

"So how is everything?" Rachel  asked and tooka sip of her tea.

"It is going really good. We just finished a tour. And now we are just enjoying our time off." I said with a smile. I loved talking about music and especially  Rage.

"And you how are you?"  I asked.

"Well I've got my hands full. "

"I see. Listen why did you want to meet me,"

She looked at me and bit her lip.
"I know I have hurt you Zack-"

"No Racheal. Hurt doesn't and can't even describe how I felt." I said with tears in my eyes. I really felt broken when she left me out of the blue.

"I know Zack, and all that I am asking is for you to give me a second chance."

"I forgave you. I really have but give me one good reason as to why I should give us another chance."

"Because I don't want our  child to grow up without a father."


A/N : Hey sorry I have not updated in like forever. And so sorry if this chapter sucked dick ☺😖

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