chapter 4

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I sat down at my desk and pretended not notice him there as i almost turned completely red from blushing so hard as I felt him looking at me. He taped me on my sholder and i jumped so hard i fell down on the floor and everybody looked at me as ray ray helped me up "are you okay " he said trying not to laugh "yeah i totally meant to do that "

"yeah I bet you did" he laughed

"that is not funny"

"yes it is" i pouted and rolled my eyes he looked at me sad "you mad at me"


"awwww the wittle baby madd" he said in a baby voice as he hugged me. I laughed and turned back in my desk "Im ashley by the way" he smiled cool

After class i passed roc royal in the hallway and avoided him I just literally to 7th period he too fine to talk to i know imma imbarrass myself talking to him

So i went to P.E. and saw princeton and my friend nicole said "omg my number 1 celeb crush is coming over here how do i look"

"you look great"

"ok here he comes act normal"

" girl i mey my nunber 1 crush(prod) ray and saw roc in the hallway I'm calm now here he comes" princeton walked over and said hey to both of us but stayed looking at me and nicole noticed when he left Nicole looked at me "I can not beleive you"

what me what did I do"

"oh princeton yeah i met the others except roc hehe" she said mocking me rollind her eyes "and he kept looking at him and you know he's my nunber one celeb crush and you dont even introduce me to him"

"well I'm so sorry he's my nunber two so I forgot"

"wll its a little too late for that " she got up and sat somewhere else. princeton saw me looking sad and walked over to me "whats wrong"

"my friend nicole the one was sitting here a few min ago she's mad at me"


"well when you came over here earlier and you kept looking at me she got jeliouse"

"awww I'm sorry how about you invite her to this party at my house mb will pick you up she'll be my date and ray and prod got girls they gone ask so you can go with roc its this weekend here's my number"

"alright"the bell rang "bye princeton oh heres my number and my name is ashley "

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