chapter 8

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"well princeton I know who I like "

"who" i looked around to see if anybody was around a whispered real low "you" he smiled and blushed "but I thought you liked prod "

"I do but I like you betta cause you so different and nice and funny "

"well what are you gonna do"

"I dont know"

"how about this will you go out with me"


"ok we got recording today so be ready at 7pm ok"

"ok if thats it I am going back to sleep"

"goodnight" I walked off and went back to sleep and woke up at 12 noon to see the guys gone and note in my poptart box

Dear ashly,

we left dont forget 7 o'clock be ready and we made you some pancakes suasage and orqnge juice enjoy

from mb <3

I ate breakfest it was good. When I got done I went upstairs and put on my mustache shirt skinney jeans boots cookie monster snapback and baseball jacket and headed to the mall to buy something for my date

I Found A Thing Called LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora