chapter 11

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We sat there watching tv when my phone rang "hello"

"hey why are you whispering"

"this acually isnt a good time"

"oh ok bye

"bye" princeton looked at me "who was that "

"oh nobody it was just nicole"

"oh what did she want "

"she said when I get the time to call her"

"ok, you have really pretty eyes"

"aww thank you" I said he started leaning in to kiss me what nooo I dont know what to do I got 3.5 sec oh what the heck you only live once we kissed for 1min then my phone rang "I relly need to put this on vibrate" he laughed as I answered my phone "hello"

"hey ashly umm I just wanted to let you know your mom is in the hospital "

"what are you serious I'll be there 10"

"ok just stay calm"

"okay bye"

"bye " princeton looked concerned as I got my stuff "whats wrong " my moms in the hospital can you please take me there"

"yeah come on" we went downstairs and got in the car and headed to the office

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