chapter 12

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Me and Princeton got to the hospital and walked to the front desk. "I'm here to see my mom"

"whats her last name sweetie"


"room 234 second floor" she said after searching her computer.We ran to her room and I saw nicole sitting in the chair inside I walked in to nicole "what happened"

"well we were at my house she said she had a headace so i told her to go lay on the couch but on her way she fell and was unconcious" I shook my hand and stood at my mom I began to cry so I sat on the floor to cover my face then princeton came over to me "its ok ashley she'll be ok"

"how do you know"

"I dont but all we can do is hope lets go in the hallway" we walked in the hallway "its ok come here" he opened his arms and i hugged his. I walked back into the room "nicole Imma go home I'll be back tomorrow " she nodded. princeton took me home thanks princeton I had fun untill you know "

"yeah "we kissed "so does that mean we're offical" i laughed "yes you wanna come in for a while I really dont wanna be alone"

"yeah ok"

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