Chapter Nineteen

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My heart raced, he moved against my body, holding me down on the bed. My chest rose and fell. He kissed down my neck to my collar bones and back up to my cheeks. He was so sensitive and soft. Levi is going to kill him, and me.

I began to start realizing everything and violently pushed Eren off, he smacked his back on the ground and his head slams into the wall.
The door to my room opened and Erwin rushed in. My face heated as we've been caught. Erwin stopped in his tracks and looked at me, and then back at Eren. Eren was shirtless and my shirt my half off.

"(F/N)..." Erwin spoke softly.

"Erwin please don't tell Levi! This was all a mistake I promise I don't know what over came me." I plead, crawling off the bed towards Erwin tugging on his shirt.

"Yes commander this was all a drunken mistake. I had a little to much to drink and I took advantage of corporal (F/N)." He says adding a slight slur here and there to seal the deal.

"Is this the truth (F/N)?" He asks grabbing my shoulders and holding me out in front of him.
I forced myself to look up at him and said with all sincerity.

"Yes commander it was all a mistake." He nodded and released me.

"I'll leave it up to you to tell Levi." He added before opening the door and leaving, closing it behind him.

I gripped my head in annoyance, rubbing my temples slowly. I look backwards to see Eren rubbing the back of his head, blushing awkwardly.

"Levi is gonna kill you and then kill me." I cursed under my breath.


I made my way nervously towards the mess hall. It's been a few days since Levi has been back and I've been avoiding him at all cost. Knowing that I'll have to tell him if we begin conversation. Maybe he doesn't need to know, it was a mistake after all. No he does. Ugh.

I slowly opened the door, I saw Levi sitting at a table closing his eyes and sipping his tea. His eyes open and I slam the door shut, my heart races as I think he saw me. I start to walk away when the door opens, I freeze and I hear Levi clearing his throat.

"(F/N)." He says coldly, "Are you avoiding me?" I swiftly turn around to face him, once coming in contact with his eyes I quickly looked away, I can't look at him after what I've done.

"Eren and I kissed..." I mumbled inaudible.

"What did you say brat?" He says as he hadn't heard me. I take a deep breath and look up at him.

"While you were away..." I start. "Levi I love you ok?" I take another deep breath in.

"You cheated on me didn't you?" He says calmly.

"I don't know if cheated is the word." Quickly Levi turns away and walks back into the mess hall. I follow quickly behind him, he walks straight up to Eren and as Eren turns around, Levi knocks him hard in the face. Eren stumbles to the ground but Levi shows no mercy. Levi grabs Erens collar and holds him up as he knees him over and over in the stomach, he then throws Eren to the ground and repeatable hits him over and over until Eren is knocked out cold.

"Levi stop!" I yell at him as he continues to hit him even after he's knocked out. Everyone stands around watching not doing anything. A hand is put on my shoulder, I look over and see Erwin.

"He needs to get out his anger, better him than you." I shrug his hand off and grab Levi. Levi reacts and turns and punches me square in the face. I stumble backwards holding onto my face as blood runs down from my nose and mouth.

Erwin catches me and I open my eyes and see Levi still hitting him.

"He's gonna kill him!" I scream pulling away from Erwin and running towards Levi tackling him to the ground. "Hit me!" Levi rolls over so he's on top. He stops and looks down at my bloody face. His eyes are cold and hurt. My lip whimpers and I begin to cry, the tears run down my face, taking some bloody with them.

Levi just stares down at me, no expression, no feeling longer remains. He stands up and walks out of the mess hall. Hanji and Erwin rush to Eren and pick him up, his face looked bashed in, they rushed him to the infirmary. I laid there on the ground, tears falling down my face. It's was all a mistake; a stupid mistake.


"C'mon (F/N) you need to eat." Hanji's drags on taking a scoop of oatmeal from the bowl into the spoon. "Here comes the airplane!"

I star at the wall in front of me stoically. He deserves better than this piece of shit. I pull my hand up and swipe away the spoon.

"Not hungry." I whisper dyhydration and starvation taking my body. The world seems gray and my heart seems non existent. I'm a cheater, he stood by my side through all the shit in my life, and I cheated on him. I began to whimper softly. My lip shaking violently as I try hold it in.

"Ah (F/N) don't cry!" Hanji shouts in attempt to help me. Tears stream down my face, as I start to whimper loudly a knock sounds at my door. Hanji turns and walks towards the door, grasping the knob she turns it slowly. The door opens and Levi, his head hung low, wearing sweats and no shirt is at the entrance. Hanji swiftly moves to the side and as Levi walks in she runs out closing the door behind her.

What a bitch!

My eye blink rapidly as Levi stands in front of me head lowered. He slowly rises his head and I see the bags that hold beneath his eyes. The purple bags indicate sleep deprivation.

"L-Levi." He slowly stumbles towards me, as I was sitting on my bed he tackles me to the head of it and lays down beside me holding me firmly at the waist.

"I...I can't sleep without You." He says slowly turning on his side and pulling me into his chest.

"L-Levi I'm s-"

"Shut up, brat. I'm trying to sleep."

I smile softly not knowing what this meant hoping for the best I close my eyes and fall into deep slumber.


The mornings peak shines through my window dancing across my face into my eyes. My eyes flutter open and I look over to see nothing but an empty spot besides me. I sigh heavily siting myself up on the side over the bed swinging my legs over the edge, my arms resting at my sides on the bed. I take a deep breath in and began to stand up, wobbling at first I make my way out the door and towards the mess hall in my grey sweat pants and navy tank top. I walk slowly my eye piercing the ground that I walk on. Not paying attention to where I was going I bump into someone. I raise my head slowly until I meet the cold grey eyes of Levi. He opens his mouth to speak.

"We need to talk."

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