Chapter Twenty

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Well I finally got around to this chapter. Sorry about the loooonnggg wait! Don't kill me XD I will try to get back into writing this story. But I need some ideas! Please leave your ideas in the comment section <3 enjoy loves!

Levi guides me down the halls and into an empty bedroom. I sit on the bed and he pulls a chair up and sits in front of me. He lays his elbows on his knees and buts his chin in his palms.

"Explain." He says expressionlessly. I look around the room before making eye contact with him.

"About what?" I ask quietly, knowing already what he wants to know. 

"Explain what happened the night I left." He said coldly. I took a deep breath in and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well after you left, I kinda just waited around outside for awhile and that's when he approached me." I paused looking towards Levi who was clenching his teeth tightly with his mouth closed. I could tell by how his jaw tightens on the outside.

"And?" He growls. I take a shaky deep breath in.

"He tired to kiss me a few times and I denied him, until like the last try and I don't know what came over me I think I was just thinking of you and I was sad and I wanted to hold you and kiss you and-" before I could continue Levi jumped on top of me pinning my arms down at the bed.

"L-Levi-" he just stared at me no expression, his eyes were cold.

"Did Eren do this?" He asks as he forcefully kisses me shoving his tongue past my lips.

I was enjoying this, I smiled through the kiss, Levi didn't like that. He pulled back and stared at me, before colliding his hand with my cheek. I grab my cheek, the stinging sensations turns into a burning sensation. He looks at me, and for a split second, you see his eyes soften before going cold.

"Levi. I love you." I whisper, tears prickling my eyes.

He breaths in and out before lowering his head.

"This hurts." He confesses. My eyes widen and I reach for his hand, grasping it in mine.

"L-evi, I promise you. What happened with Eren meant nothing to me. I'm in love with you. Fuck I'm so in love with you. And I hate myself for doing that, it didn't mean anything. Your mine and I'm yours." My voice cracked in between my sentences, his bangs covered his eyes, making this situation worse.

He got up and walked towards the door. He turns to me.

"I wasn't made to love, I was made to fight. I was abandoned by my family and left to die underground. I met my new family, Isabel and Farlan, and they died, when if I arrived to them five seconds sooner I could have saved them. I can't love you for the reason that I'm afraid of losing you. I am already broken and I can't take much more. I need to Let go and forget about you." He opens the door and turns back towards me.

"Move on."

I stare as the door slams shut, my vision blurs as tears invade my sight. I clench onto the comforter. Trying my hardest to hold back my tears, they slip and I angrily clench my jaw. I wanna scream.

"(F/N)!(F/N)!(F/N)!" I slowly close my eyes, a second later I open my eyes to find Hanji screaming at me.


I sat up slowly, "what the hell..." I blink slowly looking around my room.

"Finally my god." Hanji rolls her eyes and gives me a small smile.

"What happened?" I laugh.

"Well Levi left with us yesterday and Erwin said you just came inside and slept, we just got back and Levi was wondering where you were and I found you here sleeping like a little duck." She laughed standing up from sitting on my bed.

"Oh thank god." I sighed heavily, I sat up and ran towards my dresser throwing  a random pair of black leggings on and a loose muscle tee and throwing my hair up in a mess bun, I ran to the bathroom to see if I looked presentable but I didn't care anyway cause I was just so happy that nothing happened between Eren and I.

"Why are you thanking God?" Hanji asked taping her chin. I ran and grabbed her shoulders.

"I had a bad dream last night about me cheating on Levi and I literally almost killed myself," I pause and look towards the door. "Bye!" I say running out of the door down the towards the mess hall.

I open the big doors and see Levi leaning against the window, looking out at the training cadets. I smile and approach him.

"Levi..." I smile and he turns towards me, tears stain his cheeks. My smile vanishes and I stop in my tracks.

"What...what's wrong?" I ask closing the gap and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What? Nothing." He says emotionlessly turning away from me and wiping his cheeks.

"It's ok." I smile hugging him from behind.

"(F/N)." He speaks softly. I look up at him and he takes my chin in his hand, slowly he leans down and connects his lips with mine. We move in sync.

I couldn't be happier that it was just a dream.

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