Emperor and Empress

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Chapter Thirty Five: Emperor and Empress 

I gathered the other canopic jars from the room I woke in, they were vampires who had also been murdered, however, they would have to remain nameless, for there was no way of determining their identities. The Emperor's canopic jar, however, I held close to my chest; no one besides myself would lay hand, paw, or webbed foot upon it--that I swore to myself. 

***When the army arrived, they instantly took control of the building and scowered it from top to bottom, however, they came back empty-handed. Apparently, the shape-shifters had a plan to vacate the building whilst the Emperor turned to ash, and thus no one would be caught, since most of the army was still recovering from the attack on Vampire Mountain (Or...cave). I believed it was quite an ingenious plan, but it was unacceptable. We were at war, now--completely immersed in it--and as the Vampire made his way to me, I decided within myself that I would be merciless towards the shape-shifters; they murdered my Emperor. 

The Vampire almost strolled over to me, completely nonchalant; however, his hands were linked together in a fold behind his back, as he normally walked, his length of leg and quick of step nearly made it appear as if he were levitating just above the ground. When, finally, he approached me, I had to sink my fangs into my tongue or else I would've said something entirely not in my character. "You seem quite alright--however, you look quite peculiar in the Emperor's kimono, seeing as that is his favorite garment, my dear, pray tell, why does it hang upon your shoulders?" Inquired he, taking up the air of a scientist observing a research subject. My jaw clenched and my teeth ground upon one another, how could he appear so unfeeling? I'd never wanted to punch him in the nose as much as I did in that moment. 

Grasping what tatters of composure I had to spare, knitting them together and squeezing it between my fists, I took in a deep breath. "The Emperor bequeathed his kimono to me, as a.." my lips turned dry, and that water which so evaporated from my mouth was transferred to my eyes. "...A p-parting gift." Finished I, with shaking lips. The Vampire narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to me, now, at hearing my voice, all took pause around us to listen. 

"A parting gift, you say? Whatever for? The Emperor left with no one in the cavalry or the army! Where is the Emperor, darling?" Asked he, concern now weaving about his features, like a spider creating her web. I only lifted the canopic jar a bit, still holding it tight within my grasp. 

"....In here" I growled, tears taking the plunge from my lower eyelid, dripping softly onto my cheeks and speeding down to my jawline, leaving a painted trail of festering grief. I turned myself from the Vampire and called out, grabbing those who's attention was drawn otherwise, however, most of those in attendance had been watching. "Our Emperor has perished!" I cried, this was met with screams of sadness, along with groans and wails of agony. Some fell to their knees and cursed whatever deity they held within their hearts, some simply wept upon the ground. Others entered a state of mental and emotional shock; the blank expressions upon their faces was evidence enough to convey the emptiness and numbness their minds had taken a pitfall into. The Vampire was one of those creatures. 

I allowed the wailing and grief to continue before speaking up again, the haphazardly knitted blanket of my composure now laying about my shoulders. "Though we are in a time of torment, we must not give up! We must not let them defeat us for future generations of vampiric beings and other creatures to come--we...we must not fail...we must not fail in the Emperor's memory." My cracking voice seemed to evoke even more emotion from the already stricken audience of trained military creatures. "The Emperor was kidnapped, and murdered in a brutal way--at the stake. But, he was strong, and even when he was engulfed in flames--his smile did not falter. And that is why we must fight ever harder!" I took a pause and looked down at the kimono which swallowed me up in its thick pools of orange fabric. "The Emperor, as were his last words to me, has left me to lead the vampires--as Empress. His word is infallible, however, since he is watching us from Paradise, it is a decision I will put to a vote amongst the council. Come, now, let us mourn his loss at the Mountain." 

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