Rescue Mission

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Chapter Thirty Nine: Rescue Mission 

The air was refreshed and hung heavy with the scent of sleep and fragrant soaps as my eyelids rose; waking slowly, I stifled a yawn  and glanced upwards, the headboard was torn to shreds--half of it was hanging on by a thread--and the half that remained was littered with deep scars from our fingernails, most namely, the Vampire's fingernails. There was a permanent indent in the wall where the bed had slammed against it, and even now, laying upon my side, I felt the bed was off kilter--I would soon find that we'd broken one of the claw feet off of it. 

The Vampire's arm laid limply, though protectively, around my waist, and his body was outlining my own; his bare chest pressed to the skin of my back, though, it was soothing feeling every breath he took, it lulled me, until I felt a wet kiss against my cheek. I turned and there he was, as expected, his head resting against the palm of his hand, and his elbow was hard pressed against his pillow; a genuine, tired, smile was plastered all over his lips. Before he could get a word out, however, there was a quick knock at the door, and the Vampire threw the covers over us, yanking my body again tightly to his, before he called out. "Come in" 

In strode Monsieur Levevre! There was a grin stuck to his lips as he threw the morning paper to the Vampire, who caught it with the same grin on his own mouth. "Good morning, love birds! Or, should I say, jack rabbits." He boomed, laughing, I turned to my Vampire with a smile, snuggling closer. "Good lord, I believe the entire mountain could hear Mademoiselle Empress's cries of euphoria! And if that did not wake them, than the thumping of the bed took care of that! I daresay no one in this damned cave got any sleep." He finished, coaxing a laugh out of me. 

"Well, at least they know I'm taken care of" said I in reply, eyeing the Vampire, who nodded, shooting the same lingering glance to me. 

"Quite well" The Vampire said in reply, winking to me, before Monsieur Levevre coughed and held out a piece of paper, he placed glasses upon his nose and narrowed his eyes; the Vampire stood from the bed and began slipping on clothing whilst his friend was distracted. 

"The news of the night states that the shapeshifters are calling for reinforcements, a telegraph was intercepted between them and the dark fairies of a pact to-be. Also, there have been more skirmishes in the human world." Levevre read, his small glasses sliding down his nose as he spoke to the Vampire and I (but mostly to the Vampire). 

"Human world?" I asked suddenly, and I was answered with a nod from the good monsieur. 

"Yes, June, the human world. As it turns out, our enemies are becoming bolder after their defeat here at the Mountain, and are now beginning to kidnap humans off of the streets to recruit." Levevre finished, holding the paper gingerly between his hands; all I could think of, was Jack and Donna. Jack would often go for walks at night--oh, that couldn't be happening! I looked to the Vampire, who shared a stern stare with me. 

*** "Absolutely not" 

"But, Vamp-!" 

"No." He growled sharply, turning upon his heel, to me. We both had gotten dressed and were making our way to a room affectionately named the 'War room'. 

"But, they might get kidnapped and killed, or even worse!" I pleaded; the Vampire only shook his head, his gaze sharpening as his mind rebelled against the idea of saving Jack and Donna ever more. 

"They are humans, June. Yes, they care extremely much for you, but they will die anyways; either as a casualty of this war, or of the other mortal ways. Banish the thought of them from your mind." Snapped he, before silence stood between us, and his eyes smoothed over, snipping his rigidity, if only for a moment. "Pray, June, pray leave them from your thoughts" he added quietly, stepping closer to me and placing a comforting hand against my cheek, upturning my face to meet his gaze. "Their means to an end will not be peaceful if they are brought in to this situation; they would not even survive the trek up the mountain; and if another attack takes place upon the mountain, if, by some miracle they survive the trek? Their deaths would most certainly be sealed. Your brother would ultimately attmept to protect you, however, a human against a chemically engineered demon? know the odds are forever against his favor." Finished he, bringing my hopeful imagination down from amongst the clouds. 

"You hold such hope in your heart, June, a time of war, hope has no place." Added he, his voice even softer than before, giving the slightest pucker of his lips, he pressed my forehead to them, pressing to me a cold kiss.  

***I created a plan, but I had to keep it away from the Vampire; he would most certainly have my hide if he found out any bit of it! Which is why I took Monsieur Levevre and Dustin into my employ. I sat amongst the two in a den-appearing area, where the most rubble was cleared, and reminded them of the situation. "...Please, I just need your help to keep them safe--even if it isn't on Vampire Mountain." Finished I, looking desperately from vampire to vampire; Dustin was the first to speak. 

"'Ta hell wit' it, I'll help!" He boomed, his thunderous laughter following closely after his heavy breath. Monsieur Levevre appeared more troubled than Dustin. 

"What's quite the matter, Monsieur Levevre?" Asked I, after smiling to Dustin; to this, his troubled expression only deepened. 

"You know...Mademoiselle Empress..." he began, twisting his mustache between his fingers as he struggled to form his fears into proper sentences. "They are....mortal. They cannot sur--" 

"I have thought of that!" I bubbled, unclenching my fingers and gulping hard. "And I plan to change that."

"What?!" Monsieur Levevre boomed, his eyes widening and his jaw nearly appeared as if it had unhooked from his mouth! "June! You cannot possibly blood someone! You're a new vampire!" He cried, to which, harsh hushing left my lips in his concern. "You do not have the knowledge of how to drink blood! How will you teach others?" He hissed, quieter this time. 

"That is why...that is why I asked for your help" said I, leaning in to Monsieur Levevre and Dustin, who also leaned close. "I need one of you to blood my brother" 

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