Monsieur Levevre

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Chapter Ten: Monsieur Levevre

** I heard voices, yes, there were voices! I had, originally, been raiding the bookshelf for other books on vampires when I first heard them. They weren't singing voices either, they were male, deep voices, one of them being the Vampire's! This means...he had company. I attempted to bury myself back into the bookshelf, when the door to my prison opened and in strolled the Vampire, holding the door for another man.

The other man was shorter than the Vampire and much, much fatter. He wore a brown suit with a red bow-tie and walked with a brown cane; his face was as pale as snow and pudgy too. His hair was dark brown and slicked back, he also had a small, dark brown beard; he was older than the Vampire, I'd say, in human years, at least ten years older. His eyes, unlike the Vampire's were red, but a dull red, not cherry red like so many books describe them to be. The man smiled at laying eyes on me, revealing pearly white teeth/fangs.

"Oh, she's a cutie! Likes reading too, hmm, the package deal!" The man boomed, laughing heartily as he entered, he bowed to me and grasped my left hand, planting a wet kiss on the top. "My name is Monsieur Levevre, mademoiselle. And, who do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Asked he, smiling as he stood out of his bow. "I am Mademoiselle June, June Benoît, monsieur; it's a pleasure." Said I, smiling, being polite.

"Ah, mademoiselle June, the pleasure is completely mine! I've heard a bit about you!" He cried, shaking my hand, my eyebrows raised and I glanced over to the Vampire.

"Really?" I asked, the man laughed, but the Vampire said nothing.

"Is she allowed to leave this room?" Monsieur Levevre asked, the Vampire sucked on his fangs before answering.

"For a moment." He said; Monsieur Levevre pulled me out of the room and the Vampire followed behind us. Monsieur Levevre sat me down on the couch and sat across from me, on another couch; the Vampire sat next to him. 

"So, Mademoiselle June, I hear you can cook and, quite good at that. Would you mind cooking us something?" Monsieur Levevre asked, grinning; I glanced to the Vampire, who nodded his head.

"Not at all, monsieur, do you have a preference as to what you are hungry for?" I asked, standing and smoothing out my nightgown; he smiled.

"Non, mademoiselle." He said, I nodded and looked to the Vampire who shook his head; I nodded once more and made my way into the kitchen. The kitchen was a large area with concrete counter tops, black cabinets, and even a miniature cold room! There was a black, shiny stove and hardwood floors, black walls and a window covered by a thick, stage curtain. However, I could hear the vampires talking from in the kitchen too.

 "So, are you going to take her to the meeting? It's in a month, you know." Monsieur Levevre said, the Vampire grunted.

"I'm hesitant"

"The Emperor Prince would absolutely drool over her."

"That's exactly why I'm hesitant." The Vampire said, sighing.

"Oh, come now, no one's going to mess with her! Not as long as you're around; now, if you leave her in a room...alone...that's an entirely different scenario." Monsieur Levevre said as I turned on the stove and placed a pan on the heating eye. To the cold room I walked to find two pounds of venison; I smiled, they would get venison! I walked back into the kitchen with the venison and opened the package; the vampire's conversation had continued.

"...How many times have you drank from her?" Monsieur Levevre asked.

"Twice; I might take another sip tonight, depending upon how I feel when you leave."

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