On The Road

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Chapter Fourteen: On The Road

** I sat, for the longest time, blank minded with my mouth open. I drank his blood? W-Why? Why would he want me to drink his blood? I shook my head and sighed, though, I felt a bit invigorated; it was strange. The Vampire left me alone for the longest time, a day, I figured. However, the next day he walked into my prison, two suitcases hanging from his hands. He put them down in my prison and sighed. "Go through them and make sure everything you need is inside." He said, I nodded and went through them under his gaze.

"Everything's in there" I said, finally; he nodded and lifted a dress out, giving it to me.

"Bathe and ready yourself, we're leaving today" He said, leaving the door to my prison wide open.


"Today" he said with a nod, oh no! My parents, they were supposed to be coming soon! I stood, the dress in hand.

"But, we can't go today!"

"And, why ever so not?" He asked, turning from the door, an eyebrow lifted.

"M-My parents...they're coming to check on me...a scandal would arise if I were gone" I said and he smirked, leaning against the door.

You think I give a damn about 'scandals'?" He asked, the smirk still painted up his lips. "Because I really, really don't. I'm going to do what I want, and you're going to do what I want you to, and we will have no problems." He said, stepping into the room and advancing upon me.

"But, Vampire, my parents--"

"Will think you're dead. I'll make a dummy and dress it up and hang it by a noose and when they arrive they'll think you're dead." He grinned; I shook my head.

"That's totally horrible! They're going to cry so hard...you'll break their hearts!" I cried, sitting on the couch; he shrugged.

"Mortal's feelings mean nothing to me."

"Oh, so, my feelings mean something now?" I asked, he grinned.

"Possibly" he replied. "Now, ready yourself, we leave in two hours." He added, walking out, to his bedroom. I sighed happily as I took a bath, soaking in the tub with bubbles all around me; my dress hung on the door and I was happy. I was happy until the Vampire barged in; I shrieked and covered myself with the bubbles; he rolled his eyes. "I've seen a woman's body before, June."

"W-Well, every girl's body is different"

"Really? You all have the same maternal and sexual organs; what's so different about them?" He asked, looking genuinely confused and leaning on the door frame.

"Well, s-some are b-bigger than others and, s-some are...hairier--a-anyways--what is it that you needed?" I asked, praying the bubbles wouldn't pop. He nodded and held up a dark, dark blue suit along with dark, dark, trousers and a black fedora. 

"Does it match?" He asked, and I busted into a fit of laughter, not caring about the bubbles. "What?" He asked in irritation; I wiped tears from my eyes and sighed.

"Oh, nothing, nothing, just...you. Yes, yes, it matches." I laughed, giggling.

"I demand to known what's so damn funny" he growled, his tone dropping and snapping me out of my fit.

"Just...a big, bad vampire asking for clothing advice seems a bit funny to me." I replied; he nodded slowly and gently closed the door, I guess he didn't find it funny!  

** The dress I was given was the black and white dress; the black, velvet bottom with ruffles which began a little below my torso, and the white top with long sleeves. Though, I used a black scarf to cover the bite marks on my neck. The Vampire had taken my suitcases somewhere and was standing in the living area, impatiently tapping his foot as I curled my hair. "We haven't all night, June, hurry! We need to make it to the station before sun up, Christmas Day!" He yelled; I rolled my eyes.

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