Blurry Mirror?

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Chapter Eleven: Blurry Mirror?

** Before I could answer Monsieur Levevre, there was angry beating on the door. "O.G., O.G, open up this instant!" It was Jack!

"Jack!" I said, breathlessly; the Vampire chuckled whilst Monsieur Levevre glanced from the Vampire, to me, back to the Vampire.

"Oh, the boy never gives up for his little sister, doesn't he?" The Vampire asked, smiling wearily at me. "And if I don't?" The Vampire yelled to the door, Jack became silent; Jack had nothing to use against the Vampire.

"Please, O.G., let her go. There are plenty of exotic women here! It's Paris! Why is she so dear to you?" Jack asked calmly; the Vampire laughed loudly.

"Allow me to answer your question, with a question. Monsieur Jack, there are plenty of little girls here to call your sister, it is Paris! Why is she so dear to you?" The Vampire asked, grinning to Monsieur Levevre.

"Because...because I love her! She's my little sister, my baby sister, wouldn't you love your baby sister, monsieur?"

"Not exactly, monsieur, however, love does not seem like a valid answer to that question; why do you love her, then, monsieur? And do not even think of saying 'because she is my sister', for if you do, it causes me to believe that you love stems from the thought that the two of you shared a womb for nine months and nothing more. This brings me to the question, Monsieur Jack, why, oh why, do you love your sister so dearly?" The Vampire asked; Jack became unsettlingly quiet. "Monsieur Jack?"

The Vampire asked, pausing. "Are you still there, Monsieur Jack? The young mademoiselle is waiting for an answer." The Vampire added; Jack sighed.

"Monsieur, she is an intelligent, beautiful, caring, polite, generous woman; perhaps you are right and love was the wrong word. Proud is the word I was searching for. I am immensely, utterly astonishingly proud of her; she's seen some of the worst things in this word and worn a smile. She's handled chaotic situations with a wink, and she's all-around perfect. This may seem odd to hear coming from her brother, but, she is, she's everything anyone could ever want in a wife or mother and I am so, oh so proud to call her my sister." Jack finished, tears formed in my eyes and I slowly wiped them away; Monsieur Levevre moved to the couch beside me and gave me a hug.

"Oh, you have made her cry, Monsieur Jack! You have also disturbed a quiet dinner between she, company, and I." The Vampire said, smiling again to me.

"I apologize, O.G., but we desperately need her in the kitchen, not to mention how much little Donna and I have missed her." Jack said; the Vampire sucked his fangs for a moment.

"She will not go to the surface, not anymore. However, you and the mademoiselle may see her; I know she is beside you, Monsieur Jack, I hear her heart beating." The Vampire said as Monsieur Levevre patted my back and returned to his seat beside the Vampire; there was the sound of the door opening and quick footsteps leading into the living area. The first I saw was Jack, I stood and he ran to me, enveloping me in a hug, lifting me off of the ground and burying his face into my shoulder, he sighed and put me down, his arms never breaking from around me. He stepped away from me for a moment and observed my dress.

"Why are you wearing the see-through one?" Jack asked, I looked over to the Vampire, who giggled.

"It's cotton!" I cried. "Not see-through!" I added and Jack smiled sarcastically, now, Donna ran to me and jumped into my arms, she kissed my cheeks and wrapped herself around my torso, holding me close. Jack hugged both Donna and I together and the Vampire cleared his throat.

"You have two minutes, then, you must leave; I am quite parched and am in need of a drink." He said, looking to me expectantly; he wanted my blood. Jack sighed and Donna snuggled closer to me, Jack kissed my forehead and pulled Donna down, off of me; Jack hugged me again.

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