War Clock

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Chapter Thirty Six: War Clock

We were given different rooms, the Vampire and I, and their opulence was tenfold that of our old rooms! However, due to my mood and shifted focus, I really didn't have time to appreciate that luxuriousness. The Emperor's kimono we hung in my wardrobe, along with my clothes that I'd brought from the opera, and scattered bits of the Vampire's belongings. 

I ran myself a bath and nearly emptied an entire bottle of bubbles into it! However, I really needed it, I still had pieces of flesh beneath my nails. Walking into the pristine, white bathroom, I laid out my clothing for when I wanted to leave the warm haven of the bath (the tub was nearly five times my size!) As I dropped my towel (the only thing shielding my body from the room) I realized there was something off about the bath--a certain eeriness hung in a thick cloud about the room. I brushed this off as the Vampire's musical choice, throughout the rooms, a singular violin's long, haunting melody floated through the air, and I figured my imagination ran wild with this. 

Letting out a sigh, I slipped into the water and at once felt my muscles relax, including those of my eyes. It wasn't until I heard the slight movement of water near me, that I really became on edge. I sat up and looked about me, though, I couldn't see much, due to the mountain of bubbles! 

"I thought this bath was for me" the Vampire's voice rang out and in that moment, his hand swept across the bubbles, pushing them away so he was clearly visible, not five feet from me! With cheeks crimson, I covered what I could of myself while a chuckle drew out of his mouth from a rumbling in his chest. "Come now, you need not cover for me, it is not like I've never been exposed to a woman's body."

"Yes, but..mine is different; every woman's body is different!" I countered, hoping bubbles would come back, however, he shooed them away, only sliding closer to me. 

"Now, there are slight differences, yes, but the basic curvatures and shapes are the same" He replied, his gaze locking me where I sat; I felt so vulnerable! I felt the same emotions I did the first time I met him, in the cellars. 

"How do you know?" 

"Renaissance paintings of womanly bodies, sculptures done hundreds of years ago as well...there's a particular one of Aphrodite that reminds me of yours, I will have to show it to you." He explained, moving beside me, his eyes were so scrutinizing! His words forced me to feel guilty for covering myself; he thought I was comparable to Aphrodite? "Yes, I do" he interrupted, his eyes softening as he looked over me; finally, I let my hands drop, though, I did not look at him-I couldn't!-I wasn't a particular fan of my body, and for him to speak so highly of it...I couldn't bear the disappointment that would surely be plastered on his expression! 

When I did turn to him, he did not have a disappointed expression! He was...he was smiling! His eyes and his lips were smiling! "You are truly the most exquisite creature my eyes have ever lain upon, June. Do not allow your mind to be so harsh in judging you; your proportions are all equally balanced, your skin is blemishless save for the occasional scar--" His survey of my own gaze now drifted down to my chest, his ogling observing every bit of my skin on the way down. "--Your breasts are...very..." he paused, a hint of rose showing on his cheeks--how was that even possible?! "...Very, satisfyingly curved with a synchronicity in size which is perfect to fit within my palms." He blurted out, his eyes flashing back up to me before he cleared his throat. "The child you will hold close to them is the luckiest being on the earth" he mumbled; now my entire face burnt cherry! 

"If...If you want to touch--"

"No! No, observation and description is for now...touching is later." He said quickly, continuing now the journey he started a few moments ago. "Your torso is so fluidly designed and executed, it appears as if it were cut and polished from a block of the finest marble. And, your pelvis is...perfect for.." he paused again, hesitation spread across his face as the words flew about his mind. "Birthing. Perfectly curved in a heart shape to lead to your thighs, which guard the key to life and ultimate passion." He paused again, obviously becoming flustered at the thoughts which suggested themselves as he spoke. 

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