09 / Cold

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daily drop:

would you rather pick love over friendship or the other way around?

dedicated to seven17black, I LOVE YOU SUNSHINE.


09 / Cold

Alexander / POV

"Idiot, idiot, idiot." I whispered to myself as I shut the door to my room. What the hell was wrong with me back there?

I shook my hands and jumped up and down to loosen my nerves. Why do I feel so pissed and tingly?

Grunting, I fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Way to start this outing. I thought. I sighed and reached for my pocket. I held the small box in my hand and stared at it.

I was going to give this necklace to her at midnight, but I just had to mess it all up. I mentally cursed, if she gets a date, I can't talk to her unless I explain to her what in the world happened with my attitude.

How can I, when I don't know why i'm acting this way either? I heaved a sigh, rolling and lying on my stomach.

I hear the door open. "You know, you're going to lose that deal." Clark enters. I got up the bed and leaned on the headboard.

Heaving a sigh, I put the box back in my pocket. "I know." I closed my eyes in remorse.

Clark holds up his car keys. "She asked me to drop her off and give her thirty minutes." He tosses it up and catches it.

"Thirty minutes, can you believe that?" He laughs and shakes his head. He turns to the door. "Not coming?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nah." I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Suite yourself." He says and I hear the door close.

A few minutes later I hear Clark's car roar to life and leave the place. Opening my eyes, I sighed to myself.

I heard a knock on my door, it was Melanie. "Hey Alexander."

"Mm." Was all that I said. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She asks.

"No, thanks." I frankly answered. "Oh..uhm, Max was also wondering what you'd like for dinner. He volunteered to cook." She says.

"I don't really care." I answer and she was quiet. "Okay.." she sighs.

Crap. if Harper finds out i'm being rude to Melanie, she'd burn me alive.

Melanie was about to leave when I stopped her. "You know what, maybe we could go for a walk after dinner. Alright?" I tried to smile and she lights up and nods too quickly.

This girl is head over heels for me. I shook my head mentally.

When she leaves the room, my phone vibrates. Clark sends me an address followed by another message.

From: Clark Hunt

She just walked in. You have thirty minutes.

I stare at the screen for a moment before getting up and grabbing my car keys.

As I jog down the stairs, Max sees me. He was wiping his hand with a towel and had an apron on.

"Oh good, you're here. Do you want pasta for—" I ignore him and walked out of the door.

When I got off the car, Clark was leaning on the hood of his Jaguar, his arms in his pockets and an amused smirk on his face.

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