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You grabbed the plate of cookies, singing softly to yourself and smiling.  A new person. A new friend. You couldn't wait.

You quickly finished your mom's breakfast and carried it up to her. She turned out to already be up, playing Candy Crush as she chilled in bed. "I made you breakfast." You smiled, holding out the cup and plate.

"Oh! Thank you dear!" She exclaimed, smiling broadly. She took the plate from you and began to eat. "Yum!" She said approvingly through a mouth full of food.

You sat on the edge of the bed with a smile. "Um... We got this note this morning..." You handed her the note bashfully. She set aside the plate for a moment and took the note. She read it slowly, her lips moving silently.

She smiled and folded the note up. "Well! They sure seem friendly. And a boy your age! Won't that be nice?" You nodded. "Let's visit them later, why don't we? I had no plans for today, this'll be a nice little break!"

You nodded, then pulled on your sleeves shyly. "You'll come with, right? And you'll stay?"

"Course!" Your mom laughed. "Shall we get dressed and go now?" She stood up.

"Yeah!" You grinned. You could have never known how much hat one visit would change your life.

Dear Whoever You Might Be ~Robin (Boy Wonder) X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now