Author's Note

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Oh my begeez guys, I'm so very sorry. I know I promised that once school started I'd update on a regular basis, but, um, I didn't expect school to be like this. I thought it was going to be a harder 8th grade, but NOPE!

I have Honors Reading and Honors World History, and I never knew there would be this much work involved. On top of that, all of my siblings have after school things so I barely have any time home, and that time home is spent doing homework and chores.

Like, perspective for you (I am a Freshman): Last week I had to read The Most Dangerous Game, do a map for The Most Dangerous Game with a partner, to answer all of the questions a Micro-Rocket Lab and a Creating a Precipitate Lab, Speaking Practice for French, Reading Worksheet, A French Revolution Timeline and reading questions, a Science Review, a math explore thing, 50 questions of Math homework, vocab review in French, and doing a guided sheet for The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I had a library focus group on Monday, Choir Concert on Tuesday, a Youth Group Harvest Party on Wednesday, a Zombie Day at the library on Thursday, and nothing on Friday.

I'm not serious- that was my week. I literally had to scramble to finish the timeline after school so it wouldn't be late while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. My dishes are literally piled up to ceiling (my brother and I have to do them, but I'll end up doing them all), my room is trashed, my laundry is all dirty, I've barely written or read anything for my own pleasure, and have only had time to reply in a group chat because I can do that when we're taking notes in class.

So, yeah.

That's a lot.

Instead of 35 minute AA and 40 minute lunch like last year, I have a 26 minute lunch and a 26 minute AA. That's almost a half an hour less.

Next week shouldn't be as-- ((You know what I hate the most in the world? It's when my siblings come into my room and flop on my freaking bed. That makes me so mad.))

Next week shouldn't be as terrible and filled, (hopefully), because I only have one thing after school and an Honors Reading 9-Week Test.

I have a B in Algebra and it isn't freaking moving. I want an A all nine weeks of every year of every grade in highschool, so I've got to raise this. The end of the nine weeks is, like, next week so I am trying all I can to do this. Pray for me?

Also, two weeks ago I had Homecoming, and I went with the guy I liked ('as friends'), but then he made it very nicely clear he didn't like me, and I've never fallen in love with anyone, so it kinda hurt. It was a really week of getting over it, but I'm perfectly good now.

Thank you guys so much for your patience and support, you don't know how much it means to me. I love you all so much and wouldn't be able to do all this without you. *Big group hug*. I will try to update more.

On a happier note, I can get my TEMPS in Feburary, and I'm excited for that. I also can't wait to be able to get a job (*scoffs* I need more to do), so I can actually make some moola and do stuff.

I love you! Thank you so much for your unconditional, wonderful, amazing patience and love for me. You'll never know how much it means to me! 

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